Finish the Sentence

[ Just ignore me. These are fun. ]

1. My grandpa once:
...uh... I can't recall anything.

2. Never in my life have I:
enjoyed rollercoasters.

3. When I was younger, I:
wanted to be a veterinarian!

4. High school was:

5. When I'm nervous:
I look at my feet and acquire a highly annoying accent.

6. The last time I really cried was:
when I thought about the universe.

7. If I were to get married right now:
it would be a very bad dream.

8. My hair is:
fuzzy and auburn.

9. My feet are:
small. And often wearing socks.

10. When I was 5:
I was smart as a fucking whip. Still am.

11. Last Christmas:
I was with my dad. Got a laptop. Already ruined its keys.

12. When I turn my head left:
I see a wall. That's it. And my neck hurts.

13.When I turn my head right:
there's a plastic carton of Chinese food and another wall.

14.My life is not complete without:

15. By this time next year:
I'd like to have learned Java and perhaps Lisp and C++.

16. I have a hard time understanding:
emotions and reactions.

17. One time at a family gathering:
nothing. I have a small, central family.

18. Take my advice:
always because I usually know exactly what I'm doing. (psh)

19. My ideal breakfast is:
cereal? I rarely eat breakfast.

20. If you visit my hometown:
you'd hate it and leave as soon as possible.

21. My friends are:
few, but worthwhile.

22. If you spend the night at my house:
I'll keep you up with random sentences like "Hey [name] do you like Thai food" or "What genre of music do you like" until you're ready to club me to death.

23. I would stop my wedding if:
it was happening.

24. The world could do without:

25. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:
have sex.

26. The most recent thing I've bought myself is:
Paint Tool SAI.

27. And, by the way:
I'm rad as hell at painting with it.

28. My Birthday:
is in a shitty time of the year and I despise it.

29. In the past I shouldn't have been:
a female.

30. Once, at a bar / club:
nothing since I've never been.

31. Last night, I:
dreamt a very weird dream.

32. If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow:
I'd do exactly as I plan, which is to visit Sean and console him on the death of his cat.

33. A better name for me would be:
Fen. I'm Fen. Call me Fen.

34. In the last 6 months:
I've changed more than I can say.

35. If I ever go back to school:
I'll become a fucking astronaut hell yeah

36. I bet you didn't know:
that I'm not biologically male. (Some of you did. Some didn't. Oh well.)

37. I am:
actually a computer.

38. I read:
articles and sometimes code.

39. I regret:

40. Tag three people to take this survey:
Colorado, Fae, and Bucky!
August 7th, 2014 at 09:49am