Getting to Know Me Pt. 2 (The Great 100-Question Survey)

The Great 100-Question Survey!

1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I actually don’t have a door on my closet. A door hinge busted in my house somewhere and we used one from my closet so, yeah, I don’t have one. If I did, it would be closed.

2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Pft, I have too much hair for those tiny bottles to do anything anyway.

3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
I rarely make my bed, so out.

4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Nope. My brothers have though. I have no upper body strength so I wouldn’t be able to climb the pole to get one.

5:Do you like to use post-it notes?

6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
…Yes. Unfortunately, I rarely have money to spend on things I want. Bills suck.

7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Hey how about we have a nice “would you rather” question? Jeez.

8:Do you have freckles?
Uh huh. My mommy calls them “angel kisses”.

9:Do you always smile for pictures?
If they’re with people I like.

10:What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people wake me up.

11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

12:Have you ever peed in the woods?

13:What about pooped in the woods?
I’ve been camping, so yes.

14:Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
Yes. I have a fangirl dance and it’s awesome.

15:Do you chew your pens and pencils?

16:How many people have you slept with this week?
None. Nobody loves me.

17:What size is your bed?
A full or a queen. I can’t remember

18:What is your Song of the week?
Colder Weather by Zac Brown Band

19:Is it okay for guys to wear pink?

20:Do you still watch cartoons?
Not really. I mean, I’ll watch them if I’m babysitting, and I still love Disney movies. But I don’t really watch cartoon shows anymore. Except for Avengers Assemble. That’s my shizzz.

21:Whats your least favorite movie?
Oh boy, I have a lot. Umm, I can’t watch Twister because I’m terrified of tornadoes. And I refuse to watch The Wizard of Oz and It because they are terrifying. But movies I just don’t like? I’m trying to think of popular ones…oh! That one with Johnny Depp, Cry Baby! I hate John Waters. Or any movie by M. Night Shyamalan. Signs was alright though.

22:Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
I just thought of something really inappropriate. Anywho, probably somewhere in the country. Or with a dead family member, because honestly, who’s going to dig that up?

23:What do you drink with dinner?
Either water, koolaid, or Dr Pepper.

24:What do you dip a chicken nugget in?

25:What is your favorite food?
Sushi! I could eat it all day erryday.

26:What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Well, since I’m obsessed with Liam Hemsworth right now, Catching Fire, Love and Honor, Paranoia (aka Liam in Suits or Half Naked), and surprisingly, The Last Song. I don’t like Miley very much (her voice is kind of annoying, sorry Miley fans), but that movie was beautiful. And of course, The Avengers or basically any Marvel movie, other than the Spider-Man movies. I didn’t really like the film adaptation.

27:Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My ex, Xavier.

28:Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

29:Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
With the body I have now? No.

30:When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Probably high school.

31:Can you change the oil on a car?
I know nothing about cars.

32:Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
I actually don’t know how to drive.

33:Ever ran out of gas?
I don’t think so.

34:Favorite kind of sandwich?
There’s a local sub shop called Thundercloud Subs that makes a delicious turkey sandwich. And I love Publix hoagies but I can only get those when I go to Florida to visit friends.

35:Best thing to eat for breakfast?
French toast!

36:What is your usual bedtime?
Lately I haven’t been sleeping well so anytime I can fall asleep.

37:Are you lazy?
I can be.

38:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Princess, witch, superhero, fairy, whatever was cheap.

39:What is your Chinese astrological sign?
A monkey I think.

40:How many languages can you speak?
1.25, haha. I can speak a little bit of Spanish.

41:Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
No. I like to read Cosmo for the sex tips, but I’ve never used any. Do they actually work?

42:Which are better legos or lincoln logs?

43:Are you stubborn?
I can be, especially when my mom wants me to do something.

44:Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
Team Coco 4 lyfe. Haha, I don’t know.

45:Ever watch soap operas?
…Yes. I’ve actually watched a few Australian ones because, well, Hemsworths.

46:Are you afraid of heights?
It’s a cruel joke that I’m five foot eleven.

47:Do you sing in the car?

48:Do you sing in the shower?
No. I have to have music to sing.

49:Do you dance in the car?
Hahahaha, yeahhhh.

50:Ever used a gun?
No. I’m a sad excuse for a Texan.

51:Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Middle School? Do school pictures even count?

52:Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I hate 99.9% of musicals.

53:Is Christmas stressful?
Very. My mom gets really depressed and has since I can remember so it’s not a fun time to be with my family.

54:Ever eat a pierogi?
I guess not.

55:Favorite type of fruit pie?
Apple! But I love all kinds of pie.

56:Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
I actually wanted to be a bus driver. My parents can’t medically drive so we’ve always relied on the bus system and I thought they were the coolest.

57:Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes I do.

58:Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Yeah, and it’s the weirdest thing ever.

59:Take a vitamin daily?
I used to take Melatonin to sleep. But that’s not a vitamin, so no.

60:Wear slippers?

61:Wear a bath robe?
I wish I had one.

62:What do you wear to bed?
Usually pajama shorts and whatever shirt I wore that day unless it’s a pretty shirt.

63:First concert?
Technically, Backstreet Boys. But I claim the first time I saw cKy because it was a real concert in my opinion.

64:Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Depends on what I’m getting. We don’t even have Kmarts here though.

65:Nike or Adidas?

66:Cheetos Or Fritos?

67:Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

68:Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
No I haven’t.

69:Ever take dance lessons?
I don’t think so. My memory is so messed up though that I could have.

70:Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Australian actor. No.

71:Can you curl your tongue?
Yeah I can!

72:Ever won a spelling bee?

73:Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
What self-respecting fangirl hasn’t?

74:Own any record albums?
I used to.

75:Own a record player?
No. I don’t know why I had records, but I did.

76:Regularly burn incense?
Nah. I hate it.

77:Ever been in love?
Not really, no.

78:Who would you like to see in concert?
Miranda Lambert!

79:What was the last concert you saw?
Probably a local band. Actually yeah, it was a local punk band.

80:Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea all the way.

81:Tea or coffee?
Coffee I guess.

82:Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Ahhh snickerdoodles!

83:Can you swim well?
Not really.

84:Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Underwater? No.

85:Are you patient?
Sometimes. Sometimes I’m horribly impatient.

86:DJ or band, at a wedding?
Band most definitely.

87:Ever won a contest?
Like a drawing or something based on luck? No. I don’t remember if I won a contest based on something I did, but I want to say I have.

88:Ever have plastic surgery?
No. I actually thought about getting a breast reduction but I wound up deciding against it.

89:Which are better black or green olives?
Ew. Neither.

90:Can you knit or crochet?
I used to be able to.

91:Best room for a fireplace?
Outside. Firepits ftw.

92:Do you want to get married?
Yeah, probably. If I met the right guy.

93:If married, how long have you been married?

94:Who was your HS crush?
His name was Clete and he was the varsity quarterback. God. I’m so stereotypical.

95:Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Not anymore.

96:Do you have kids?

97:Do you want kids?
Okay, so I have this weird fear of giving birth. Like, I think I want kids and I don’t mind the thought of being pregnant, but I don’t want to give birth.

98:Whats your favorite color?

99:Do you miss anyone right now?
Yeah I miss two of my best friends. I should just move to Florida already.

100:Current celebrity crushes?
1. Liam Hemsworth
2. Blake Gideon (he’s kind of a celebrity, right?)
3. Brett Dalton
4. Chris Evans
And they just kind of lose order after that.

I'll probably do the rest later. I need to eat.
August 7th, 2014 at 08:53pm