Finish the Sentence...

Hello again Mibba World.

So recently I made a new friend. (Pause for applause...) Tipsy Returns. She's awesome, if you don't know her then go talk to her at once! Okay, not at once but certainly sometime in the near future :).

So Tipsy tagged me in this thing... Let's see how this goes.

My Grandpa once:
road a riding lawnmower over a hosepipe connected to the main faucet outside our house and tore the connected pipe out of the hot water heater on the day of his oldest grandchild's wedding.

Never in my life have I ever:
even thought about dreaming of going skydiving. All my friends think bungee jumping and skydiving would be such a fun adventure... Not for me... huh uh. If I'm going to jump out of a speeding vehicle it certainly is not going to be 5000 miles off the ground.

When I was younger I:
was obsessed with death.

High School was:
fantastic when it was good and horrendous when it was bad. 9th grade rocked because my best friend at the time was a year younger than me and very possesive, so I got away from her that year. 10th grade she caused a huge fight between me and the friends I made in 9th grade, but in 11th grade my friends forgave her and got over it because it was technically their senior year...Then my senior year was completely ruined because most of my friends graduated and my best friend decided to listen to some stupid girl who liked to cause drama, and I stayed in the principal's office because of her.

When I'm nervous:
I laugh a lot when I'm nervous, and I can't sit still either.

The last time I really cried was:
about three months ago. My nerves literally went to pieces on me and I couldn't hold in any more emotions.

If I were to get married right now:
he better be rich! I need someone to fund my writing career and all my travel expenses.

My hair is:
copper colored right now. My natural color is this really dull dark brown, so I dye it red occasionally.

My feet are:
freaking huge.

When I was five:
I saw my dad drunk for the first time... or at least I remember seeing him drunk for the first time. He scared me, and I didn't like him then.

Last Christmas:
my mother's side of the family gathered at my grandma's house, where I live, and we made fun of ourselves for breaking the living room floor the year before.

When I turn my head left:
I see the red umbrella through the kitchen window.

When I turn my head right:
there's the washing machine because the pantry doors are open.

My life is not complete without:
music, books and writing. I have a little of both every day.

By this time next year:
my family will be getting ready to send my baby cousin back to Clemson University, and to celebrate my grandma's birthday.

I have a hard time understanding:
anything to do with math; basic math I get, but when the alphabet gets involved it gets crazy.

One time at a family gathering:
my uncle Frankie tried to pick up my cousin Scottie who weighed like 80lbs at the time...yeah, Uncle Frankie fell backwards off the funeral home porch and took Scottie with him... And yes, all my family's gatherings are mostly funerals.

Take my advice:
absolutely never let anyone tell you that you can't do something when you really want to do it.

My ideal breakfast is:
french toast at the beach with a good cup of coffee.

If you visit my hometown:
you'll seriously miss it if you blink. We have one red light, and no one is in town after 6, unless it's Wednesday then there's nothing open after 12pm

My friends are:
insane, not quite right, amazing, and the best people on Earth. They're mostly family though.

If you spend the night at my house:
you don't want to do that... my grandpa doesn't sleep at night, and he's liable to be walking around in his whitey-tidies.

I would stop my wedding if:
the wind is blowing too bad, if it's storming, raining, anything superstitious happens... If a sign says this is bad, I stop!

The world could do without:
most of this stupid automatic crap. I mean, whatever happened to doing it the old fashioned way, helping people out, and just in general being better people.

I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:
Nice phrase. But I'd rather not lick the belly of a cockroach. Unless, of course, you offer me the belly of a spider. That'd be like comparing the smell of cow dung with that of horse shit. Haha, sorry about the language. XD (Dear Tipsy Returns... This answer is too perfect for me to change, so I'm stealing what you wrote)

The most recent thing I've bought myself is:
a new tank top to match my Beatles shirt.

And, by the way:
I want to have a tea part with the Mad Hatter. Seriously, can he come celebrate my Un-birthday with me?

Every birthday:
My mom takes me to dinner and a movie. It's usually just my mom, grandma, and me, but it's always amazing. Two years in a row we bought tickets and the theater was empty except for us, and we didn't rent the whole theater. It was amazing.

In the past I shouldn't have been:
so judgmental. I definitely judge people harshly, and I shouldn't.

Once, at a bar/club:
I've never been to a real bar but I got drinks in the bar at a steakhouse once. Those margeratias were incredible!

Last night, I:
got in a huge fight with my family and ended up watching tv in my room alone. It was quite peaceful.

If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow:
I don't :) So I'm going to read all day, and possible calling Christopher to see if he still wants my dog... he bothers my grandparents too much to keep him :(

A better name for me would be:
My name is technically Brittany, but my nick name suits me much better. I should changed my name to Nikki.

In the last six months:
My job played out, regretting not going back to school for my masters, and wishing I could find a different job.

If I ever go back to school:
I've been back to school :) I told them all thank you for preparing me for the real world, and that I couldn't have been the woman I am without them.

I bet you didn't know:
that it's hard for me to hand write my stories because I had a cluster of cells grow on my right hand near my pinky. It still hurts, but if I let them to surgery again I'll lose the use of my finger.

I am:
insanely creative when I'm angry... and I'm always either angry or depressed.

I read:
Anything I can get my hands on.

I regret:
a lot of things, but I don't really feel like owning to them right this minute.

Hope that wasn't too boring for you guys :)

I am now tagging -
EndPortal Kitten
Vampire's Addiction

B-Bye then guys! Have a nice day! (:
August 8th, 2014 at 12:20am