The Sad Truth About "Thick" and the Icon of Beauty

I know I've neglected you guys for almost two weeks and I have no reason why if I were to be completely honest.

Today I want to talk about being "thick" which is in my opinion a nicer way of describing overweight and/or obese.

In my eyes every person is beautiful regardless of their size, color, race, and etc. Although I do think that fatter people can be attractive, there is a deeper problem with many people being overweight or obese that goes deeper than the skin, literally.

Lately in the beauty industry overweight or obese women are beginning to strut the runway with confidence because of the beauty industries obscure idea of beauty to begin with. Altough I feel like every woman should be confident, I do not agree that being overweight and/or obese should be any icon of beauty. Here inlay my reasons. Upon my vast amount of research on the topic of health, I know that America suffers from an epidemic of health problems. The three biggest causes of death in America are stroke, heart attack, and cancer. With deeper research I've realized that all of them are food related, including cancer.

A quick health lesson for those who don't know the causes of these issues, let me explain (if you know then skip to the next paragraph). Stroke is caused by the blockage of an artery in the brain. This blockage is due to a build up of plaque in the arteries and the buildup comes from a nutrient called cholesterol. Where is cholesterol found? The largest source of cholesteral is found in animal fats, espeically in beef. The only plant source is in coconut. Consumption of too much cholesterol can cause plaque buildup in arteries. This is what causes the stroke. Not only does it cause plaque buildup, it also causes fat to store in the body. Heart attacks are caused by your heart working too hard to pump blood through your body. Heart attacks are usually caused by consuming too much sallt. Too much salt leads to people holding too much waterweight, causing the appearence of being bloated. Cancer is caued by the production of bad cells that attack good cells. However, the body naturally makes cancerous cells, but the body is usually able to kill the cancerous cells before they become dangerous. However, if your diet is a diet containing high fat from animal products, processed foods and sugars, and even heavily pesticide contaminated fruits, then the cancer will only progress. Those things actually feed cancer cells, worsening the cancer. Those who store more fat in their body are more susceptible to cancer because cancer cells feed off of fat cells.

So, my argument is, if being overweight or obese 9 times out of 10 makes an individual more susceptible to deadly diseases such as cancer, high cholesteral, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and many more, why should overweight and obese women be the an icon of beauty? By no means am I saying that the stick thin women who purge everyday with bones protruding should be the icon of beauty either. My argument is that the icon of beauty should be women that live a healthy lifestyle, eating properly and exercising regularly.

Please, share you thoughts on what I have just shared.
August 9th, 2014 at 07:28pm