Finish Sentences? Okay

Well. I guess it's about time I use this section for something even if it's pointless...

My Grandpa once:
ran after the neighbor's dog (and caught up to it) after it shit on our lawn. Again.

Never in my life have I ever:
responded well to Lady Gaga. Not even when I was in that phase.

When I was younger I:
kissed a ginger kid named John on the bus when I was, like, seven or something and he immediately turned around and yelled that I kissed him to all his friends like an idiot. I was embarrassed as hell.

High School was:
is horrible. My school is all fancy and a college prep school with actual college classes. YAY. NERD SCHOOL. (kill me please I'm too dumb for this)

When I'm nervous:
I try so hard not to show it and will get angry if my voice wavers because of it. Well, I wouldn't be nervous anymore.

The last time I really cried was:
Last year at the start of the school year because I was utterly intimidated and horrified by the new nerd school. I just woke up from a nap because I had only managed an hour or two of sleep the previous few days and completely broke down. I was also in my "rush everything/I have no time" phase, which I'm sure shaved twenty years off my lifespan.

If I were to get married right now:
I would......
Kill them. Who am I marrying? I don't know this person!

My hair is:
Dirty blonde.... uh, long?

My feet are:
... size 9 1/2?

When I was five:
I couldn't remember what I did when I was five.

Last Christmas:
Music. Got a lot of music.

When I turn my head left:
I see my art kit.

When I turn my head right:
I see the dog's ass in my doorway.

My life is not complete without:
music, I guess. ('Cause I'm not blaring HIM right now or anything.)

By this time next year:
I will probably be in this exact spot...

I have a hard time understanding:
Socially speaking, I don't understand those who pass judgement without reason.
Academically, I suck at math.

One time at a family gathering:
A BBQ party at my aunt's, but that's not really a good example since our family is so estranged it was just my mother, grandparents and I.

Take my advice:
Yeah, no, don't do that. I will purposely steer you in the wrong direction and laugh when you take that final step off the cliff on your own.

My ideal breakfast is:
eggs my chickens made for me :3

If you visit my hometown:
you would probably wonder where all the kids are since it is now essentially a retirement town that is getting a bar for some messed up reason.

My friends are:
expendable until they crack my shell and become my family.

If you spend the night at my house:
you'd probably be bored because there is nothing to do out here.

I would stop my wedding if:
I was getting married. Yeah, I'm not doing that. Go pawn that ring and pay this goddamn electric bill.

The world could do without:
the eristic sheep that cover it. (That was brutal, here, lemme soften it: Assholes.)

I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:
partake in hypocrisy.

The most recent thing I've bought myself is:
a t-shirt from Rocklahoma.

And, by the way:
I'm harsh. I will not sugarcoat things. If that makes me unapproachable or anti-social then, you know? Drop dead.

Every birthday:
wasn't memorable until my sixteenth, which my mother went to a mighty extend to make special.

In the past I shouldn't have been:
so easily swayed by my emotions.

Once, at a bar/club:
... *cough*

Last night, I:
Uh, played Pokemon X until I got all my monsters to level 50 and filled my berry pouch with fruit to occupy the time in between the dead zones at the Battle Chateau (hurray for beating up rich people's pets).

If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow:
... *cough*

A better name for me would be:
Kacey, probably. I don't have any attachment to the name, but I remember being referred to that in a dream once and took it in stride.

In the last six months:
I somehow passed math with a 70, finally said yes to my now-boyfriend after an entire year of him chasing me, and realized how much I love having chickens.

If I ever go back to school:
Got two weeks left (as of 8/11/14), man.

I bet you didn't know:
how much I dislike people in general. Really.

I am:

I read:
fantasy and horror as my book cabinet will tell you. Fanfiction as my everything-on-this-site will tell you.

I regret:
I don't really regret anything. I just don't care enough to.

I will be tagging:
Anyone who wants to do this because I don't really know more than two people on here enough to tag them/haven't done it already.
August 11th, 2014 at 11:45pm