Does Anyone Else Love Reading at Night...

Hullo! I just wanted to ask . . .

Does anyone else love late night reading?

It doesn't even matter what it is. Published, e-book, fan fiction. I like really worn paperbacks that can stay open on their own when I prop them up on my pillows. I have this cute little light shaped like a TARDIS for when it gets to dark to read. I lay there, soaking up the words. Oh, and when you come across something hilarious and you have to basically suffocate yourself to muffle your laughter because you're the only one who's awake. And when your OTP does something adorable and your like 'Daww, omigosh asdfghjkl', when in reality you just press the book to your face and squeal lightly. You don't stop reading until your eyes hurt or you too tired, but you keep telling yourself you'll stop after the next chapter. Then, even when the book's not in your hands anymore, the characters questionable fates swirl in your mind. You dream about it. And before you get out of bed in the morning, you're reaching for it.

Does anyone else just love that?
August 12th, 2014 at 09:18pm