100 Questions Survey

1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
They're usually closed, but if they're open and I'm in bed already, it's not worth getting up.

2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Nah, I don't even use them in the first place.

3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
I sleep under a duvet/comforter, which is usually untucked.

4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Almost, but nope.

5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
While they are always tempting and fun, I don't really have a use for 'em.

6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
Not so much "cut out" as amass, but yeah.

7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
I'm tempted to say bear, but I think the bees would be easier to escape from.

8: Do you have freckles?
Naw, man.

9: Do you always smile for pictures?
Usually, but just 'cause I like my smile and I look angry or upset with my resting face. It's a smile or a weird face.

10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Food chewing/mouth noises.

11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

12: Have you ever peed in the woods?

13: What about pooped in the woods?

14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
Ye. I tend to do it at inappropriate/unnecessary times 'cause I'm a fidgeter.

15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
To bits, yeah.

16: How many people have you slept with this week?
I slept in the same BED as my sister, but I haven't had sex with anyone.

17: What size is your bed?
Full. Even though I only sleep in a single corner of it.

18: What is your Song of the week?
Anything by Dave from Boy in a Band, honestly. Namely his remix of The Promise, or Limelight.

19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Sure thing.

20: Do you still watch cartoons?
Heck yeah.

21: What's your least favorite movie?
That's hard--there are lots that I just didn't like very much, not one specific one I avoid.

22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
In a very heavy water proof container at the bottom of a deep part of the ocean.

23: What do you drink with dinner?
Either nothing, water, or tea.

24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Mustard, ketchup, honey mustard, or nothing.

25: What is your favorite food?
Pasta. In all its fantastic shapes and flavors.

26: What movies could you which over and over and still love?
Oh, man, uuuuhhh. Ferris Bueller, Scott Pilgrim, Cabin in the Woods, Howl's Moving Castle, some Russian cartoon movies from my childhood.

27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My platonic friend in spin the bottle. I don't get to kiss my girlfriend. Gotta love LDRs. =w=;;

28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Nah, I was too much of an immigrant to even know what that was.

29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Depending on the type of magazine and the amount paid.

30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
My ex girlfriend and I used to write letters a lot, but I never sent the last one, so like. Christmas time in 2012?

31: Can you change the oil on a car?

32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Nah, I just got my permit, bro, I'm hella careful.

33: Ever ran out of gas?

34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
If at home, a simple fresh bread, russian cold cuts with cheese. If at a store, a grilled chicken anything usually.

35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Out of what I eat currently, low fat vanilla yogurt with a shit ton of fruit in it. Out of what my mom makes me, grenki. Ooh lordy.

36: What is your usual bedtime?
Around 12ish, but it's summer. So anywhere from 4am to 9am.

37: Are you lazy?
It changes, but I can be extremely lazy.

38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A fairy, Queen Amidala, a dead ballerina (hello, MCR's Helena), an egyptian priestess, hipster hitler, a stitch kigurumi, and then a gored Joker. Which I loved.

39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
The Ox. Capricorn, too.

40: How many languages can you speak?
English, fluently. Russian, more or less fluently. Stumbling and limp German.

41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Nah, son. Gots da 'net.

42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
The fuck is a lincoln log.

43: Are you stubborn?
Depends on the situation, but I can be painfully headstrong.

44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
I'un care, honestly.

45: Ever watch soap operas?

46: Are you afraid of heights?
I am, but I love the adrenaline rush, so I seek 'em out.

47: Do you sing in the car?
Obnoxiously and out of key.

48: Do you sing in the shower?

49: Do you dance in the car?
Like a wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man with bees in it.

50: Ever used a gun?

51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
School pictures last fall.

52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Depends on the execution, but not usually.

53: Is Christmas stressful?
If I let it be, which I usually try not to. It's a time for fun and all that.

54: Ever eat a pierogi?
Yep! Potato-filled is my favorite. Bitches be putting in cheese and jam, ruinin' the sanctity smh.

55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
I once made the most delicious apple charlotte out of yellow apples and strawberries.

56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Doctor, vet, cosmetologist, writer, artist, graphic design, professional body painter.

57: Do you believe in ghosts?

58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Frequently. A lot of my deja-vu tends to be deja-vu about feeling deja-vu.

59: Take a vitamin daily?

60: Wear slippers?
I hate wearing things on my feet indoors.

61: Wear a bath robe?
I'm way too lazy for the in between step, I just put on whatever I'm wearing to bed.

62: What do you wear to bed?
Usually a loose shirt and underwear.

63: First concert?
Never been to one worth mentioning.

64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
I live five minutes from a wal-mart, but it's too ratchet to root for.

65: Nike or Adidas?
I don't really care either way.

66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
Baby carrots.

67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?

69: Ever take dance lessons?
Yeah, ballet and tap.

70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?

71: Can you curl your tongue?
Into a straw-like thing, yeah.

72: Ever won a spelling bee?
I almost did, but I misspelled a word on purpose 'cause the kid who wanted to win treated it like a life or death situation, so I let him have it. Even back then I didn't give two shits.

73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

74: Own any record albums?

75: Own a record player?

76: Regularly burn incense?
I used to, but my family wouldn't stop making comments about the smell so I gave up.

77: Ever been in love?
I don't know what love is, but I was once infatuated with and head-over-heels for a girl 4 years older than me. She was emotionally abusive, tho, so I quit that.

78: Who would you like to see in concert?
The Used, P!AtD, any and all of the trance/trap/house/electro peeps I adore.

79: What was the last concert you saw?
I didn't.

80: Hot tea or cold tea?

81: Tea or coffee?
Either or.

82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?

83: Can you swim well?
I used to be top level on swim teams in 2 separate states (cause I moved).

84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?

85: Are you patient?

86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
Both would be fun? DJ, probably, though.

87: Ever won a contest?
Several. Writing, Art, Swimming, Make Up, Creativity, blah blah blah.

88: Ever have plastic surgery?

89: Which are better black or green olives?
I hate all olives equally.

90: Can you knit or crochet?
Haha nooo. I suck at both.

91: Best room for a fireplace?
Living room, I guess?

92: Do you want to get married?
Not as much as my mom wants me to. The federal benefits and social status would be cool, but it's not really necessary.

93: If married, how long have you been married?
'M not married.

94: Who was your HS crush?
I give most anyone I meet a 3-day trial run for whether I could have feelings for them, but my lasting crushes included an upperclassman surfer chick so far out of my league she was in a different solar system, and a different upperclassman chick who was freakin' awesome to chill with, but had a boyfriend at the time.

95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
I usually argue and aggressively logic my way to what I want, or just go handle it on my own.

96: Do you have kids?
I don't really like kids.

97: Do you want kids?
Maybe some day, but nah.

98: Whats your favorite color?

99: Do you miss anyone right now?

100: This question is imaginary, imagine a question…

Like make up my own? Um. I live in Jersey, USA.
August 15th, 2014 at 05:38am