Update on My Mom + Rant

So, yesterday I went and saw her, and as soon as we walked through the door, they needed her blood pressure. I just sat and let the nurse do her job. They are taking her blood pressure with this machine, and if you move a single muscle, it resets the timer, never releases, and tightens up even more. My mom was sitting there crying and whimpering from the pain that the cuff was giving her. Needless to say, I didn't know what to do. I have never ever in my entire life, seen my mom in that much pain before.

They didn't tell her much yesterday. They tried putting her back on a 'only liquid' diet again, and it did well...for a moment. Her pain level is usually around a 2-3, and it jumped to a 5. Well they took her off of liquids....again, and gave her a pill for the pain.

Today, they said she could have normal food (light stuff obviously) and if it doesn't hurt, she can go home. I was happy at first, but now that I think about it, I am fucking pissed off. Not because she gets to come home, but the fact that the Doctors haven't gotten their reason on WHY her Pancreas has started hurting in the first place.

They starve my mother for a whole week, she has lost around 8-10 pounds in that week, they have poked her with a needle over 30+ times, she has black bruises around her arm where they took blood pressure, and then they are sending her home right after. Yeah they did some tests, but the only information they have told her, is she has Pancreatitis and that her Liver is fatty from Cholesterol. That is all she has been told. I am so fucking pissed right now it isn't even funny.

I know exactly what is going to happen, she is going to go home, be happy she is home, eat something that is REALLY going to hurt her pancreas, and then she is going to be in the same boat she is now. The thing about Pancreatitis, it can damage the pancreas, damage the heart, lungs, and kidneys, and then cause death.

I am sorry for the Rant, my nerves are shot, and I had to get it out there. A lot of you are very caring and sweet, so please forgive me.
August 15th, 2014 at 06:59pm