Band Survey? Nah...

...artist survey. Gotta recognise all the music makers, man!

Top 5 favorite artists?

+ C418
+ Kraftwerk
+ Stellardrone
+ Carbon Based Lifeforms
+ Kevin MacLeod

Top 5 songs from those artists?

+ Alive
+ Taswell
+ krank
+ Mice on Venus
+ drunken carboni

+ Autobahn
+ Radioaktivität
+ Radioland
+ Ohm Sweet Ohm
+ Transistor

+ Crystal Spheres
+ Belt of Orion
+ Nightscape
+ Pale Blue Dot
+ basically fucking everything Stellardrone is a fucking genius holy shit

Carbon Based Lifeforms
+ World of Sleepers
+ Photosynthesis
+ Erratic Patterns
+ Abiogenesis
+ Frog

Kevin MacLeod
+ Spacial Harvest
+ Easy Lemon
+ Cipher
+ Space 1990-B
+ Perspectives

Best artist you've seen live?

I've only been to Counting Crows, and I hardly remember it.

Top 3 musician crushes?

You're out to get me.

Daniel Rosenfeld...

Chris Martin...

and Stellardrone. Don't have a picture for him but I bet he's a cutie like the rest of them.

Top 10 songs of the week/month?

( Spoiler: it's mostly C418 )
+ Alive - C418
+ drunken carboni - C418
+ Who cares but me - C418
+ Taswell - C418
+ Autobahn - Kraftwerk
+ Radioland - Kraftwerk
+ Radio-Activity - Kraftwerk
+ Oxygaene - C418
+ Selene - Imagine Dragons
+ Daft Punk - Pentatonix

Song(s) you listen to when you're nervous/sad/scared and need comfort?

Many of these coincide with the above list. Hmm.
+ Taswell - C418
+ Alive -C418
+ Mice on Venus - C418
+ The End - C418
+ Warmth - C418
+ Dreiton - C418
+ krank - C418
+ Stilbruch - C418

C418 is my go-to musician. There's just a lot of variation in genre and design. It's like having multiple musicians under one name!

Top albums of 2014 (so far)?

I don't really listen to anything recent, really. I mean, one of my favourite artists hasn't done anything since 2004 haha

Top 3 vocalists?

+ DANIEL ROSENFELD 500% his voice is really nice actually
+ Ralf Hütter from Kraftwerk (when he was younger lmao)
+ Chris Martin from Coldplay

Song that makes you sad?

+ Taswell by C418. Here we go. It's mostly because it was written in memoriam of Ryan "Taswell" Davis of Giant Bomb, a game critic community, after his death by sleep apnoea, but there's also a feel to the song itself. It's... it's almost nostalgic, almost sentient. A wonderful song.

I tag everyone since I dunno who's done this already. Thanks Victoria.
August 15th, 2014 at 09:17pm