I have to get ready for school in two hours and I didn't sleep. I forgot. >.> <.<

What the title said.
Wow I feel stupid
Now there are arts on my desk cause I spilled that baby bottle pop powder thingy on it and I forgot to clean all of it.
And I just finished my art homework.
Which now makes me want to scan my drawings.
Wow I am pathetic.
Today [Well actually yesterday, Sunday], me and my friend Jennifer went to Dave & Busters and I won like, 4 cups of tickets O.o
And then when we went to get the prizes we got 4 peircings [each, we got two packages which came with two.] not real, but they're awesome anyway. I'm wearing them right now actually, I'm going to take pictures once I get my camera back from my stupid teacher which I forgot his name...
Anyway, we also got.. a giant Pixie Stick, playing cards, Hello Kitty chocolate (which taste HORRIBLE), umm.. I got a Baby Bottle Pop... she won this lame ass Yu Gi Oh game thingy on a machine...
I think that's it
But yeah.
It's 5am in the morning and I'm not tired! =DD
September 17th, 2007 at 05:14pm