First Rave Breathe Carolina Style

So I went to my first rave tonight in downtown Denver. Breathe Carolina was the headliner with a DJ set.
At one in the morning.

We got there at like 11 and sat through two uninteresting sets. Although, lots of people were walking around with white gloves that were virtually invisible under the light and they had built in colored flashers on the fingers and were going around doing ligjt shows in people's faces. That was kinda cool.

VIP did nothing but get you free water, which was still nice. Lea Luna was pretty neat. I wouldve gotten into the crowd had a closer friend been there. I wish Marc would've gone.

The main thing is that David was drunk off his ass the second he hit the stage and apparently, super affectionate. Can't tell you how many blurry pictures I've got of him thrusting into air, pantomiming fucking, and jacking off with his microphone. What a glorious prodigy.

He was everywhere, on everyone, all at once. It was neat to see them in a different element. The smile on his face. He just kept telling us how happy we were making him. It was adorable.

About an hour later, they literally cut him off mid drop. 2 a.m and the bar is closing. So being the lovey little fuck he is, he made a speech that featured slurring and repeated sentences. And then jumped from the stage and took pictures with everyone who stuck around. The security guards were waving flash lights in our faces and threatening to push us. I caught David before he stumbled backstage and got a picture and a hug.

Proud for not crying. Such a blast and I can't wait to do it again.
August 17th, 2014 at 11:58am