Why I'm Choosing to Save It for Marriage

If you want to come across a post on why EVERYONE should save sex for marriage, this here isn't what you're looking for. This is about ME and how I want to live MY life, not yours. Anyway....

I'm 21 years old and still a virgin, and I'm not embarrassed by it.
Living this age, if you've never seen or heard anything in your whole life that relates to sex, you've most likely lived under a rock. Us 90s kids have listened to music and watched ads or seen innuendo in cartoons that relates to sex. You can't really get away from it. I live in East Bakersfield, California, and barely anyone here is completely innocent. Not even a lot of the kids.

I grew up living with my Pentecostal Grandfather who gave us kids a lot of that "ol' time religion" . I myself was always very moved by it.
He tried to encourage my two older sisters and I to wait for marriage to have sex.

My mother however, always told me to wait until I was in love.

You see, the thing about that is, I've never been in love before. Yes I've had crushes, juvenile infatuation, whatever, but a guy has never truly mattered that much to me before. What I mean by that, I've never thought about the needs of a guy before I thought about my own needs. And with the guys I've had potential with, the ones I had chemistry with, there was no compatibility. And with the guys I had compatibility with, there was no chemistry.

I've been fooled lots of times before, and I've seen a lot of my girlfriends fall in the cracks because of how there was no proper balance and they were just willing to give their trust away to any handsome dude that were willing to kiss their ass for a fuck, I have no respect for that shit, from either side.

The guy I want in my life must NOT be worthy of my love alone, but worthy of my TRUST and RESPECT most importantly.

Marriage is kinda becoming obsolete, they say about 50 of marriages end in divorce nowadays, I know for a fact that it's a whole lot more than that percentage.

A guy can do whatever to get me, telling me all the right things, spending big money on me, but all of those things are worthless if he doesn't love me enough to wait with me and walk me down the aisle. In my opinion, it takes a strong person to withhold sex, especially at my age. One of the ways a guy can earn my respect is through waiting. I'd be very very proud to be his wife.

And if he's only getting married for the cookie alone,he wasted all of his time as well as all of my very precious time, sorry folks.

Lastly, I wanna be in true love before I have sex, and I wanna get married sorely because of that. I don't want good sex to cloud my judgement on who I want to be with. It's happened to me before with deep crushes I've had, believe me, I know myself well enough to know that premarital sex will fool me into thinking I love someone even though I really don't.

It's fine if you don't agree with any of this, like I said, my life,not yours. If my opinion offends you, It really shouldn't, it's just an opinion and has no contribution to anything whatsoever that would makes things any different and has nothing to do with you. Thank you.

August 18th, 2014 at 02:03am