Does Anyone Else Love/Hate the Last Day of Summer...

'Sup. I just wanted to ask. . .

Does anyone else love/hate the last day of summer?

Like, there's this feeling like it's your last day of freedom before you're admitted into prison. Like this is the last stress-free day of the year before chaos envelopes your social calendar. Then, there's the feeling of a break from the monotone prison of your own house. I mean when we weren't gallivanting off to Six Flags, we were sitting upside down on the couch watching reruns. There is also the desocialization the comes along with summer. My family went to the pool a few days ago, and my mom told me to ask this little girl to play with me and my sister. I looked at my mom, looked at the little girl, then shied away like 4 year old. That's when I realized it. I haven't had real conversation with anyone other than my family in two months. I'm like a Hobbit, except less cute. Honestly I love school. I'm just nervous. It's TOMORROW. 8th grade. Holy Crap. I'm gonna die of excited anxiety!!! Oh my God. SHIT. . .

Does anyone else feel like this?
August 19th, 2014 at 05:06pm