My Views on Race/Racism.

I'll give you a heads up that this blog may be triggering to some but I assure you that I honestly mean no disrespect. Hopefully I'll be able to explain things clearly enough so that they won't be misconstrued.......however, I know that there is a chance that people may disagree with me so I'm prepared for that. Nice or rude, I'm willing to accept your opinions here because I feel everyone is entitled to their opinions. I've been doing my best to improve on accepting all opinions no matter how rude they may come across.

I'd like to say that I believe in the fight for equality in both gender AND race. When I see a person with a different skin color than my own, I think of them as another individual and I don't title their whole entire being and existence by the color of their skin in my mind. I don't notice color like that because I just accept they are just another person. I don't define people by their race is what I'm getting at.

There are different races of people all over this world. Honestly, I enjoy the diversity and how we're not all designed the same in race/ethnicity department. Variety is wonderful in all things in my opinion. If everyone was wired to think and look the same, things might be pretty darn dull.

It pains me to see people of different races struggling for equality, recognition and rights. I wish we lived in a world where race wasn't an issue AT ALL. People say a world like that is impossible but that doesn't mean they/we should give up the fight to help make the world a more equal place.

I would like to say that even though I don't share the same skin color as other races or personally experience the everyday struggles that they do, it doesn't mean I'm a cold hearted human that doesn't care. I do care. I wish I could step in and make your pain go away. All I can do is imagine the horrible things you face and try to listen or offer you comfort.

I'm going to be completely honest here. I am a white female living in America. I automatically am labeled as more privileged than other races. I'm most definitely not saying that to gloat. I do think there is truth to the whole white priviledge thing, however, people in every race face problems still. I don't deny white priviledge exists, I'm just personally tired of being judged for my race and automatically placed into a category of, "All whites are racists."

I'm sure some people would argue, "Oh, but you're white and have priviledge so you're not allowed to have a problem with anyone judging you or being racist against you."

First of all, no. Not all white people are racists. Not all white people go around thinking they are more superior than people of other races and color. And no race deserves to be discrimnated against. I don't care what race you are, you ARE entitled to not enjoy being stereotyped or generalized with others who truly are racists.

I'm a person who doesn't choose sides because of color. I'd like to state that I am not to be held responsible for what my ancestors years and years ago did in the times of slavery and racism against other races. I'm not responsible for their actions so please, I'm asking nicely if you would not count me responsible for that. I am only accountable for how I, as an individual now, treat people of other races.

I can't help what my acestors did nor do I agree with any acts of racism they may have issued in the past. The only thing I can do is accept responsibility and control of myself to make sure I'm NOT a racist and that I treat ALL people equally. I don't use racial slurs or call anyone derogatory names because honestly, I want the same courtesy from other people, too. Besides, what about a different race or person with a skin color other than my own is harmful to me?

It's not someone's skin color or race that makes a person harmful, it's their attitude, intent behind their actions and behavior that does. Their character basically. I don't deny that quite a large number of white people are in fact racist. However, I believe there are plenty of racists in EVERY race. There are good and bad people of all race and color. I don't think just ONE race should be labeled as entirely heinous. Injustice happens to people of all colors. Death will happen to everyone eventually despite race or color so that's why I don't understand why the world fights each other over race. No ONE race is going to outrun death for all time and live forever. We all basically face the same fate of death eventually.

One of the biggest things I find controversial is how some people in any race make claims that their ancestors and family figures are responsible for them being racist. Like in a sense where they use it as an excuse just to BE racist. I'm sorry but unless someone is literally holding a weapon to you, forcing you to commit acts of racism, you have a choice not to be.

I'm aware that people are influenced by their family throughout their adolescent years. I mean, there could be certain situations where force and constant verbal brainwashing could be the case, but when you legally become an adult or start discovering your own beliefs about life, you can learn and choose not to continue on in your life practicing racist tendencies.

Racism is not a physical disease, nor is it a mental one (except maybe in the extreme brainwashing cases, if then) A person does not need it to continue living and thinking. You decide how to treat other people either equally or unequally. If you've been influenced by racist things for years, then it's understandable for it to take awhile to change. As long as you're trying to reach the goal of equality among races, that's better than doing nothing at all to better the situation and help put a stop to all the hate.

Both of my nieces on opposite sides are mixed races. Do I find that terrible? No, not at all. It doesn't matter to me because I love the people they are on the inside. Afterall, what's on the inside and in someone's character is what's important. I can't change the fact that people in general will continue to be racist towards others, but I can try my best to treat you with respect. To accept you as an individual no matter your race, religious beliefs or your choice of sexual orientation. Those things are your personal choices to make. You get to decide.

To anyone who struggles with racial stereotypes and discrimination, hang in there and don't give up the fight for your rights! You deserve rights. You deserve to no longer be hated or judged. More than anything, you deserve equality and respect as an individual. Hopefully one day we can make this world a more accepting and just place. I honestly hope that my opinions here didn't come off as rude. If you think you may have misunderstood how I meant something here, please just freely ask me how I meant it instead of assuming it was in a bad way. We can have a civil discussion over the matter.

I'm sure the thought may cross some of your minds that it's easy for me to sit here and have such positive views about race because people aren't being outright racist to me, but let me tell you something. I work in the restaurant business with people of several different races. I witness on a daily basis the harmful effects of racism among my coworkers. I see/hear one person of my own race being rather racist with someone of a different race. I mean hell, these two people are technically the same skin color but just because the one person is foreign, the person from my own race still takes it upon them self to be racist.

I have friends from like five different races right now. I basically become friends with people from any race. We're all human in my eyes. We all can communicate with each other in a civil manner if we choose to. I'm gonna stop here because I could go on for along time about this. This is really the only time I've ever posted my thoughts about race because I've been fearful to in the past. I know that race is a serious matter and how important it is to treat the subject with care.

It feels kind of good to get my thoughts on this out there. I'm curious to see how my views are seen by others. Feel free to leave your thoughts. Thanks for your time and for reading.
August 23rd, 2014 at 11:42am