Re-Reading Very Old Stories

So, have any of you guys ever gone through your stories on here and read your really old work? That's what I just did, and it was fascinating, if occasionally cringe-inducing. It's remarkable how much I've changed over the years; I'm not saying I was a lousy writer back then (because I know I was pretty good) but I've really changed a lot style-wise in ways I feel are mostly for the better.

Also, what I would choose to write about has changed a lot. I barely write real person fan fiction now; there's nothing wrong with RPF, of course, and I do still dabble in it and read it on occasion, but back in the day it was practically all I read or wrote! Believe me, there are many unfinished drafts-- some quite long actually-- that never even saw the light of online posting. Actually I have some works that I'm still proud of, and I am kinda miffed that I don't think I'll ever be able to finish them or post them.

I digress though! I would never write another story like Can't Finish What You Started; I'm just not that crazy kid anymore. Those kind of ideas just don't come to me like they used to (which in some ways is good because some of the ideas that I used for that story were kind of it bashing if I'm saying that about myself and my own work?) I don't think the way I used to, and I certainly don't write the way I used to.

It was interesting to read the story though because at times it almost felt like I was reading someone else's work. Then at other points I would remember writing a part, and I felt oddly connected to past me and what I was thinking or feeling at that time. I can still see ways in which I could improve the story; even as I originally wrote and posted it, I could see ways that I could have made it better. I have an odd sense of regret that I didn't try harder with that story. I may be a better writer now, but I wasn't bad then and I knew and still know I could have done better. That story, while not completely terrible, is a far cry from what my best work was then and definitely way off from my best work now.

Still, it was a fascinating, thought-provoking venture. I'd really like to see some other Mibbians do something similar; so, if you guys read this and want to, I challenge you to find one of your earlier projects (doesn't have to be your first ever posted, but if it is that'd be even cooler) and read it and either comment here or do a blog of you own about it. I would really like to see what you guys discover about yourself and your writing, past and present.
August 24th, 2014 at 12:18am