Moving Back Into Moms (Warning a Horrible Story Down Below)

So needless to say guys the property manager job didn't work at all, there were several reasons why and I will list them. I was supposed to be under confidentiality but as I am now done(just moving my things out now and will be out before the 31), I no longer see the need to be confidential. It started out very good until this specific Tennant came into the building, he started out a very good Tennant had no problems with him at all. Around July that is when we started to have problems with him because he was always drunk and high. It started off kinda harmless they were noisey from midnight till about three sometimes five in the morning. Then it got to the point where he and a Tennant almost got into a fight. All she asked him was to not slam the door because it was almost two in the morning. Then he called her a cunt(sorry guys I hate that word but in order to express how bad it is I have to be correct). She told him she was not the right person to mess with and they yelled at each other and almost fought. A few nights later he yelled at our 65 year old Tennant and called her a cunt as well and I just went whoa that is one thing to call the other girl one she can defend herself but this woman is the kindest person you will probably ever meet. Then the night after that the other guy started yelling at the 65 year old woman and he was not letting up at all and again she was called a cunt and all you could hear from her was "I'm sorry,I'm so sorry, I'm sorry OK keep it down its three in the morning". He was mad at her because she shut the light off in the bathroom not knowing he was in there and that was his response to yell at her that way. Then a few weeks later all was somewhat calm(minus the constant noise between midnight and three,sometimes it even went till five). And I was not able to say anything to these men because they were very angry when drunk. So one night the first guy was drunk and high like usual and he sexually assaulted the girl he had a problem with in the weeks previous. And I mean taking himself out and rubbing it on her(he denied it and as I wasn't there to witness it I couldn't say wether it was true or not) then a few hours later there was a fight in a Tennant's room and I could hear somebody trying to kick down the door so I went into the hallway and was like what's going on?! And he told me so I yelled in the door to let me in and he walks in and attacks the Tennant living there(this guy is 17 years old). So he's got his hands around his throat and I run to call the cops, cops take forever to get there then as I'm about to go to bed I hear a knock on my door. So I open it and its the guy who started the fight and the kid he beat up. The teenager wasn't happy and I do not blame him at all so they talked in the hallway for about an hour about how this guy needs to grow up and be respectful and to grow up basically. So the landlord has me write him an eviction notice then when I give it to him he says why did you do that and I said the landlord told me to. So when he saw her he convinced her to let him stay and she was going to until she talked to the teenager. He told her he never touched him, and she took his side and believed him over me! So then she talked to the teenager and saw his swollen face and heard his side so then she gave him the notice again. They went to court because he was fighting his eviction I gave her all of the papers and the judge let him stay! So that was my last straw. And besides she wasn't having my back, was ignoring her own rules and letting the Tennant's do what they wanted but expected me to enforce her rules. So I decided to try and find my own place but everything is too expensive so I just decided to move back into my moms. That way I will be safe and a happy person. Sure nothing physically happened to me but there was always a possibility that something could happen. But on the bright side I will be able to post my stories more.

Rant done and over with bye guys!
August 24th, 2014 at 05:18am