One Direction in St. Louis Tomorrow

I'm going.

Then I'm going to see 5SOS in a year...this all happened in one day.

Particularly yesterday. I was being my normal awkward self and my best friend, Xavier came up to me and told me he was going to a see 5SOS in August of next year and he wants me to go. He was like, I have one extra ticket and you're coming with me.

I literally responded with, "Are you shitting me?"

He answered with, "No, I'm not shitting you."

Then it was settled and I knew he was serious XDDDDD

Then that same day in 4th hour Algebra II class, my friend Amanda was like, "Hey Parris what are you doing on Wednesday?" I told her nothing.

"Well, do you want to go see One Direction with me?" Is what she said and I was like, but it's in 2 days are you sure?

She said yep, my friend cancelled on me last minute and I knew you wanted to go. I nearly pissed myself with joy.

So yeah, story of the thing that changed my life forever....I'm so excited I could puke.

Question: Should I wear contacts or my glasses? I will most likely cry but at the same time it would be inconvenient to wear my glasses. Ehhhhh?

Alright yay for that. ^.^

August 27th, 2014 at 04:21am