Scared Over Taking a Creative Writing Class


So I'm taking one and it's really weird to me.

Honestly, there's just a mix of emotions right now. I'm excited for it, but also really scared, anxious, and verging on embarrassed.

I'm excited because well, it's writing. I've always eyed this particular class and I've finally signed up for it. Who knows, maybe this will also help me cure my writers block?

Then I'm scared, anxious, and verging on embarrassed because I've never done anything like this before. NO ONE besides my closest friends and you, Mibba, know that I write what I write. Now, I'm a big fan fiction writer, and no one should be embarrassed about writing it, but even though I love writing it and have posted a LOT on here, I am embarrassed. A lot of people I know usually think it's weird to write fan fiction and that's really just a shame. In addition, I have an inferiority complex thanks to my grandma who was emotionally abusive to me as a kid and now I never think I'm good enough for anything, so I'm really scared that my writing doesn't even rank as "amateurish" and that people will think less of me for it.

We'll, of course, have to share our writing and that's what's freaking me out. I don't want to feel the pressure and judgement of other people for what I write. I don't want to be that one girl who just focuses on the romantic genre even though I feel it's what I'm most comfortable writing. I feel like they're going to think, She probably hasn't even been in a relationship. Why is she writing about romance? And it's true.

I just don't know what to do, Mibba. And it's so dumb because seriously, it's just a freaking class, but here I am thinking that the world as I know it is over.


Can this just be me for the rest of my life?

August 28th, 2014 at 11:24pm