Where Have Some of My Stories Gone?! (Yes I Am Still Alive I'm So Sorry Guys).

Okay so, I'm still alive and I am eternally sorry guys for just disappearing and not adding any further updates to Second Nature. Like I am really sorry. My old laptop broke and like an idiot I didn't back up anything so all the newest chapters are on the hard drive of my old laptop (which broke roughly two and a half years ago oops). And because I was sad I couldn't get to them (without paying) I stopped writing.

I occasionally came back to read what I had written before and on today's trip to read back, at least three of my stories are missing:

My first story, Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have.
Second Heartbeat.
Second Nature.

Can anyone shed some light on this? Like, has it happened to anyone else?

I think about Second Nature all the time and whether I should finish it or not.
August 30th, 2014 at 05:52pm