Reasonable or Not?

First of all, here are some things that you should know about me:
1. I hate being late.
2. I’m somewhat of a perfectionist.
3. I set deadlines for a reason.

I like to think that I’m a reasonable person. I don’t get mad unless I have a justified reason in my head. I hate not following deadlines because deadlines aren’t just made out of the blue. I make deadlines so we can have less hassle, stress and at the same time, able to meet the expectation of the teacher. I’m quite the diligent and grade-conscious student and I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all.

You see, there was a group task in one of my classes. We were asked to make a brochure and I, being the leader of the group, told my group-mates to submit their outputs on Wednesday night since Thursday was the deadline. Guess what? We were 7 in the group and only 4 had given their outputs to me. Because of that, I was forced to make their part and I planned that if I do their part, they shouldn’t be included in the group at all hence, be given a zero for not complying and participating.

Little did I know, the compiler of my group and my friend – let’s call her A – told me that B – this girl whom I really dislike – said that she was going to submit her output in 5 minutes. Note that this was around 10pm and I had messaged her at 8pm to submit her stuff. That 5 minutes became 10 minutes and then it became 5 hours. In short, she made my friend, A, wait for 5 hours (until 3am) for her output before A decided to make the brochure with the substitute output that I made. But lo and behold, B submitted her output at 5am in the morning of Thursday - in other words, the day of the deadline.

Then when I go to school the next day, A tells me that B has been telling her lies about me – things that weren’t even true. According to her, she was blaming me for things I don’t even freaking know. I admire her guts for backstabbing me but I shame her for her cowardice. I hate it when someone has things to say about me but says it to my back. If you have something to say, say it to my face or else I wouldn’t know.

Until now, she’s been avoiding me in the line formation and in class. She runs out of the classroom like a roadrunner and refuses to even look at me or to be in my vicinity. To be honest, that’s cowardice at its finest. I do think that I deserve respect and that’s just blatant disregard of it in my opinion.

But whatever, if she continues to avoid me on Monday, I will tell my teacher and print screen the things she said for evidence. I don’t have to ruin my fourth year grade for someone like her.
August 30th, 2014 at 06:22pm