The Smell of Fall+ My Birthday!

It is officially September. Everyone is now back to school(Well....not everyone), the leaves are about to change colors, and my birthday is within about two weeks. I'm going to be 20, so old! I feel old. I'm not up to date on trends and fads anymore. The other day I went out with my friend and I didn't know what half the shit on the coffee menu was. Why do they have to come up with these stupid words for things?! And whenever I go to Starbucks and say small they get snobby and say "Yeah, a tall"

HOW IN THE HELL ARE THOSE SIMILAR?! Tall and small are the opposite!

But I love the fall because Halloween will soon roll around, and a bunch of fall activities that I love will start up in about a week. I break out my pumpkin and fresh autumn leaves air fresheners, and spray them in my bed. I'm in a sniffing paradise whenever I go into my bed. I have been hanging out in it all day today, huffing away. (That sounds so awkward!)


I wrote a one-shot around midnight today, and I have the layout ready to go. As soon as it is done being edited I will post it all up!
September 1st, 2014 at 11:06pm