Readers of Mine

I'm sorry I've been gone so long.

I'm not in a good state of mind right now. I'm having trouble writing. I'm having trouble enjoying my time with my friends. I'm kind of a mess.

I promise, I've been trying to write you another chapter for the longest time. I must have 10 drafts of the next chapter for I Wrote a Poem.

I'm just kind of taking a break from trying to write right now. I can't. I'm really busy trying to get back into the swing of school. Being away from Alex is helping nothing. I'm sad all the time and I don't know how to get out of this, guys.
It's like I'm numb around my best friend because it's just her. I'm struggling to watch my best friend and his girlfriend because I miss Alex with all of me. I've only seen him once since I've been home, and we couldn't even go back to his house because his fucking parents were home. The thing is, we couldn't do anything sitting around in my sub division and I knew that. It was nice to see him, but I'd much rather have time alone in his room to just lay in bed and talk. He didn't want to deal with his parents, but I'd so much rather deal with them than my own when it comes to him. At least they like me, or they tolerate me anyway.

Basically, I'm not doing so well.

I feel so alone. And I just can't write for the time being.
I'm sorry.

Thanks for understanding.

September 2nd, 2014 at 11:21pm