Personal|Comment Swap

Comment swap rules apply everywhere. So, here are my babies:

Friday Night Lights

Both are sittin' pretty at just 2 chapters each, so, both are an easy read as far as chapters. So, just go on and pick. And if you want a deal, if you've got two current stories, I'll comment on both in exchange for comments on both of mine as well.

I'm sorry but I just have to bring up something that happened to me a day ago. It involves a boy.

So, we shall call him boy. Original right?

Anyway, boy and I exchanged numbers on my birthday. Now my birthday was like 8 days ago. Before that, back in 10th grade I met him at his school when I had to do summer classes. He was nice and funny and cute. We lost contact.

Anyway, boy follows me on instagram and that's how we exchanged numbers. Fast forward to Tuesday, I invite him over so we can chillax and y'know hang. Get to know each other in person. Seriously, all I wanted to do was chill.

We had went for a quick walk around the neighborhood and when we got back to the house we went to like the little back porch area in the backyard.

Here's where shit gets real. Well, he tried to make it get real.

You guys, he continuously kept trying to have sex with me. He just kept going on and on about sex. Even when we were texting he had brought up how he wanted to have sex with me when we hung out. I really thought he wasn't serious.

Ok, I knew he was probably 60% serious, but I didn't think he'd keep trying even though I said no. He even kept trying when I told him no when he asked/kept trying to make me suck him off.

I kept pushing him away and he still kept trying. I was honestly just a wee bit scared. Like, he kept trying to shove my head down, and kept kissing me, or kept fumbling with my pants or open them. But I can hold my ground and I shoved him off and grabbed my stuff and went inside where my older sister was--who is licensed to carry a gun I might add. I was tempted to tell her to shoot him.

Like, outside he kept telling me how sex was just gonna be on his mind until we did it or I sucked his dick(vulgar af, but it's true), then we could "talk normally" and "chill". Bullshit. I'm not stupid.

He was sooo pissed. And I did not care. He even subtweeted like a mofo on twitter and was bashing me to his friends when he was texting. Still didn't care. I decided to take the high road and not tweet anything about him like: he's an awful kisser and the thirstiest guy alive.

I'm not a virgin. But that does not mean I'm willing to have sex with someone our first time seeing each other. It wasn't even a date. Like, seriously, even if it was a date he still wouldn't have gotten any.

Like, I hate the guys of my generation. I'm not built for just doing the horizontal tango. I can make good conversation and I'm caring and I'm funny, and I truly think I'm a good person despite my flaws. Like, seriously. I just can't. This happens all the time.

And this is the exact reason why I'm single and will forever stay that way.

K bye
September 4th, 2014 at 07:06pm