Good Morning // Do You Need to Plan out Your Story?

So this is the first time that I am actually planning out a story before I even begin to write the first chapter. I don't know if anyone has read my last blog post, but I am writing a Draco Malfoy//OC fanfiction.

I've tried my hand at fanfictions before, but I've never completed them. I think it's because I've gotten discouraged or just didn't know where to advance from where I left off.

This time though, I am spending A LOT of time just outlining the chapters. At this point, I almost feel like I should be writing the chapters out all ready, but I think this is actually going to help me! c:

Keep an eye out for this story:


1. Do you need to outline your story or do you just go?
2. What is something you do every time you sit down to write your story?
3. Any favorite fanfictions out there? (they can be anything - not just harry potter.)

p.s. I'm still looking for a layout. Filled out a request and everything. Now I just have to wait or try and make my own.
September 12th, 2014 at 03:35pm