Things I'd Tell 15-Year-Old Me

I saw a couple of other people do this and I thought it'd be interesting. When I was 14-15 I was in a really, really weird place. I was dating this really strange girl online that made me kind of crazy and I... was just really crazy during that time. I was never like that before and I haven't been like that since. My mom told me that girls go through some weird hormonal thing during this time. Anyway...

♢ Stop with the weird makeup and shit - or at least figure out how to do it well before you publicize your face like that. You just look stupid most of the time.

♢ Break up with her/him/whoever. It's an unhealthy codependent relationship and she makes you act like something you're absolutely not.

♢ Stop dying your hair!!! Or keep dying it. But just don't leave it half orange like that.

♢ Generally stop wasting your time with internet drama and focus on learning and what's actually important to you.

♢ Stop being so weirdly sexual, you're embarrassing yourself.

♢ Read Sylvia Plath.

♢ Do drugs. Just, do it. Maybe it will snap you out of this weird mindset.

♢ Don't associate with any of those weird fuckers on the internet. Not her or her or him or him or any of them. They will all fuck you over.

♢ Read books, practice guitar, write stories. Fuck the rest.

Now that I'm thinking about it, that's really all I can say. All that I was doing wrong was directly related to my environment and not really my fault, but still... I'm like embarrassed of that time period. I mean, I was still into mostly the same stuff. I was a feminist, I was a writer, I liked the same music, and everything like that. But I just acted really stupid and embarrassing.

Just wanted to write something, as usual.
September 13th, 2014 at 11:22pm