What Aliens Could Be


It's Sunday, which means mean lazying about, watching TV, cuddle-time with the guy...the usual. As I was flipping through the television station, I came across a show called Unclassified or Unsealed or something to that affect. The gist of it was, there's alien encounters in the US and our government is hiding it/working with the aliens. It was...interesting, I guess. And while I don't deny that our government would hide something like that, I have to wonder at some of the accounts they re-enacted.

The question is, I guess, do I believe in aliens. And, really, I don't know. I do believe in the possibility of aliens - like I don't think there's any reason why they wouldn't exist - but I'm not 100% sold on them wasting their time bothering us or even sold on the idea of 'space' being so huge and them being so close. I think aliens might very well be real, but I think it's improbable that we've encountered them

With that said, I think there's a lot that the 'alien phenomenon' could be...

Psychological I think it's fairly possible that alien encounters can be chalked up to something psychological going on in the viewers' minds. Even in cases of shared alien contact experience...folie à deux, yes?

Hallucinogenic Drugs is also a possible explanation. Whether the person is intentionally taking drugs or being affected somehow without their knowledge.

Magic Faeries, ogres, monsters, vampires, and all other magical beings. Maybe it's not aliens and anti-gravitational technology, but just simple, old fashion magic.

Gods/Religion Maybe they're not aliens at all. Maybe they're angels. Maybe they're demons. Maybe they're some other religion-related being coming down for a visit.

Hoax People like to fake stuff for attention. That's not so out there, is it?

The Gov'ment Maybe they're just using all this alien-talk to distract us from a much more secret and sinister issue they're either hiding or causing. Like, yeah, aliens can be fun and stuff, but I'm sure there' man-made disasters that are much, much more pressing.

Aside from the believability of alien encounters, something else that always bothered me is that most of the alien-government folklore that gets thrown around are tales of humanoid aliens doing pretty much the same silly trash we humans would do. And where would the fun be in that? If there are aliens, why would they be as ridiculous and one-track minded as we are? Why would the be mostly shaped like us? Why would they get around in similar fashion to us? Why would they research in a way similar to us (this episode spoke of humans getting abducted and tagged and then released back into the Earth, much like how we do with animals we study)? I don't know. I just seems a little crazy to me that these entirely out of this world creatures would be, pretty much, just like us.

And if they are so human-like, then is it possible that - if we're bringing religion into this, and why not? - aliens are just another one of God's creations. Like He made us over here on Earth, but also He made a set of 'people' over in another galaxy, and he took another whack at it in another galaxy, and so and so forth. Like God is just spending all of eternity trying out different Springfields, building and rebuilding and trying and trying. And if he's doing it, is he trying to get it right and perfect or is he just trying to find was to fill in his time? An eternity is a long time to twiddle your thumbs, so many creating so many civilizations is just something to do?

I don't know.

What do you think of this whole 'aliens' shebang?

* Isn't it weird that the plural of phenomenon is phenomena?

** This actually turned out longer than expects, so I think I'll have to leave start a different blog for Fall's Highly Anticipated Shows.

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September 14th, 2014 at 09:36pm