Creature Feature and Photoshop Fun!

Tis the time of the year where I constantly play the lovely band, Creature Feature. If you haven't listened to them, get on spotify and listen! I love their music so much. It's amazing! It's horror and electro and wonderfulness! Their songs, Buried Alive, The Greatest Show Unearthed and Grave Robber at Large are my favorite songs. Their newest song, Nearly Departed is good too. But seriously, listen to them or fangirl with me! I need to meet more fans of this band. Oh! I forgot to add their song, A Gorey Demise to my favorite song list!

I'm having way too much fun on photoshop. Between demon eyes, half skull look and now vampires! I'm going to be making premade blog headers soon. Even though I should be studying for my psychology test tomorrow. Yea that's not going to happen til tonight!

Here are the lastest works that I've done on photoshop. Let me know if there are any certain people with any certain edits (the ones I've listed) that you want to see as blog headers!

(not bad for my first time for vampire edits)
(posted this before but I fucking love it)

Leave comments with edit suggestions! I'm going to go eat my pizza and watch last night's episode of Doctor Who!
September 14th, 2014 at 11:17pm