Future Stories, Maybe Somedays, and Totally Scrapped Stories

So, after finishing a novel I've been tossing back and forth ever since I finished the story it's a sequel of (the original and the sequel), I feel...weird. For the first time in a while, I don't really have anything immediate hanging over my head, and I don't have any stories I feel obligated to write.

I'm just gonna be storing out my head here in this blog, haha. Trying to get everything organized. And knowing me, I'll probably never stick to it. XD


Born Lucky - In twelfth grade, I took AP art and had to make twelve pieces based around a common theme. I chose luck and drew my own take on "Lady Luck," as if it hasn't been done a thousand times before, and before long I just kinda knew I had to make a story with her in it. This one's still in the baby stages. I don't know much beyond the fact that there will be three teens chosen to represent good luck, while there are three other folks who represent bad luck (though they're not bad people). I'm hoping it stays lighthearted, 'cause I just want to write something fun, but I don't know how the outline is gonna go. XD Plus I'm not sure how the narration is gonna go...I don't want to switch POVs, but having a third-person narrator isn't my strongsuit. I always end up being sort of snarky, like in We're Not Listening. XD

Untitled Renny Boy Epilogue Thingy - I was gonna write this near the end of summer, but crap happened and I got distracted. The point is, I wrote the RB series while I grew up, and I sort of grew up with the characters, as corny as that sounds. I just want to see how they're doing in 2014. I got little glimpses of 'em writing Generation Why Bother, but not enough. I'm just horrible at letting go.

Spin - Ugh, okay, this is technically a story I already have up on Mibba, but as it is, it's horrible. The chapters are outdated and poorly written, and although I rewrote most of it back in spring, I'm putting off reposting it because I don't want to do it all at once. And I'm sort of iffy about reposting it because the chapters are so long, and so feedback would be hard to get. XD


I Can't Hang Sequel - Alright, this is more of a "probably not," but the possibility is there. There were just too many loose ends hanging for me in the original, and there's so much I think I could do with it, but the original was written so long ago that I don't think anybody would care if I started writing more. XD (And honestly, I'd probably fizzle out...)

(Not sure if this counts, since it'd be a rewrite) Say It Like You Mean It!/A Little Bit Louder Now! - This story is such a piece of crap. There's no other way to put it. For starters, I should've combined it and its sequel into one giant chunk of doo-doo, but even then, it's so problematic and horribly written that it's always a painful headache to think about. The events in the stupid stories would be the same, but I'd change the characters and tweak their personalities to make 'em less irritating. Funny to think that this is my most popular story here. (Ah, 2010...)

Skatterbrains - "They sold their souls for ska." That's it. It was going to be about a ska band that sold their souls to get a f*cking record deal. (Can we cuss in journals? I know we used to not be able to. I'm gonna censor myself here just in case.) This is probably the lamest music-related story idea I've ever had, and this is coming from someone who wrote 100,000 words about a made-up pop-punk band saving the world with four teenagers. Maybe someday I'll switch it up and stick The Max in there...maybe I'll give Not Listening Records another supernatural band on the label.

Untitled Short Story About Rednecks and Aliens - I rewatched "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" a few days ago, and now this little plot bunny is on my mind. It'd just be a oneshot or something. I wanted to go for something a little southern-gothic, but I can't keep a straight face for very long. Something funny would have to happen. Thus, ALIENS. And rednecks. Can't go wrong.

The Blue - Okay, I have 6,000 words of this expired can of tuna (it's not quite complete crap, but it still smells something awful) sitting on my computer. It's been sitting there since 2008 when eighth-grade me decided it would be cool to write a story about a surfer girl despite the fact that I can't even swim. She went to surf camp and almost drowned one night, and her roommate (a guy two years younger than her) tells her she was cursed by the ocean, which also killed his dad. Literally, the only part of this story I can tolerate is the chemistry between the girl and her roommate, because all they do is argue with each other and some of the dialogue is kinda funny. If I ever redo it, that's one thing that'll stay.

My Rock N' Roll Shoes - I had a classic rock phase in junior high and tenth grade. This story was going to be a rock musical about a band called Hangdrive, which broke up in the late eighties after leaving an incredible legacy in music. A dude named Benjamin, who sings for a lackluster cover band to pay the bills, would get recruited by the band after posting a video of him singing on the Internet, and then he gets swept into stardom and friendship and all that crap. And the old singer of Hangdrive would get mad/jealous and it was just bound for failure from the getgo. I can't write epic musical songs, either. Maybe someday when I learn more about...well...everything.

Hurricane Tommy - This was going to be a story about a family who takes in their extended family after a hurricane hits and destroys their town. The main character would be Tommy, a ten-year-old boy who thinks more than he speaks, and it'd just be about him looking at the world and his family, observing how things change so quickly. (Plus, the hurricane that destroyed the town was named Hurricane Thomas...hence the dumb title....) I actually liked the premise to this one, but it never got its foot in the door.

Bus Epilogue Thingy - There's a reason why I left Bus alone after I finished it, and I think it's because that story was so exhausting to write, though in a good way. This "epilogue" will probably never get written. I like the loose ends that hang from Bus, and I think it's better off untouched. If I ever do write something post-Bus, it'd just be a fun little piece that doesn't set anything in stone. I think I just miss writing as Doug, honestly.

Untitled Story About Cupid Being a Human or Something - It's been done, and I can't write straight-up romance stories to save my life, but I just thought it'd be cool to write Cupid as like a person-next-door. I dunno how it would go beyond that. XD

Untitled Story About Young Adults Bonding Over the Funeral of a Dead Friend - Yeah, it's been done before. Still putting it here just in case an actual good strike of inspiration hits. o_o


Reality Check - This used to be on Mibba, but I deleted it because it just wasn't going anywhere and it was just taking up room. It was about some stupid little brat who got shipped off across the US to live with another family for a week for some reality show. The characters were annoying and I hated narrating with the main guy. Bleh.

What I Am - This was gonna be about a teen writer who unknowingly had a universe inside his head full of all of his creations, but after he started a story that he never finished, the characters got angry and broke through that universe. They got into the real world, which screwed up all kinds of physics, and then the writer was understandably confused. Ironically, I wrote one chapter of this story before leaving it to rot on my computer. :P The main character, the writer, is going into Born Lucky, though - so all isn't lost. XD

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Happy Sunday, and have a great rest of your day! :D

September 21st, 2014 at 10:35pm