Totally Immature Freshman Rant About High School...

Hey peoples! I hope you had a way better day than I did...

School pictures were today. I kept blinking so the photographer told me to close my eyes for three seconds, and the minute I opened them, she snapped the picture. What the hell, I don't think I was even smiling. >_<

And I realized that if I'm in a high school that allows girls to wear lip gloss, I'll learn how much I love it. I had peach lip gloss all day....wonderful. =]

Yeah, so moving on...gym was today, and I nearly died from running, and I had to change out of my gym clothes and go all the way of the top floor, and I was late for Math class. Speaking of which, I don't think my math teacher likes me very much. =/

And we had to take a school picture. Right during the freshman lunch. So we missed lunch and we were out in the hot sun taking 6 pictures and in took forever because people had to be rearranged.

It's been a week and four days. I don't like high school.

Although I do love their vending machines. I practically live off them.

Okay, your turn...
September 19th, 2007 at 03:26am