Let's Have a Discussion About...


Do you think they are meant to not get along with other dogs?

Because I think that is wrong. I think that if a dog doesn't get along with other dogs in general it could be one of two things. Poor socialization or in it's genes.

Do you think that pitbulls were bred to fight only and were never meant to be "nanny" dogs?

I think that a lot of people get a misconseption of the breed, a lot of people have bred them to fight yes. But a lot of dogs have not been bred to fight, have not had any fighting genes in them. A lot of pitbulls were just bred, my dog was a result of back yard breeding. There is no aggression towards other dogs, there is no I want to fight everything. Yes there is nanny in him because I taught him to be a good dog. Nanny could also mean guard dog.

What is your conception of the breed? I know some of you may not like the breed and please no bashing the breed.
September 23rd, 2014 at 04:30pm