Taking Back Sunday/The Used/Frank Iero Is Super Cute


Give me a second.

I just got home from this concert. I need to write this down before I forget. But I'm in a great deal of pain. Nothing to worry about. Just the result of previous injuries that like to catch up to me.

So here's how it went down.

I convinced my friend that we should leave early because one generally wants to get to a concert early, right? So we got there a little later than I wanted but still early enough so that the line wasn't too big. We got in line on some stairs beside a glass doorway that couldn't be opened from the outside.

Then all of the sudden the girls in front of us started freaking out and taking pictures. I couldn't see what they were taking pictures of. But I heard the name.


I had a small panic attack but my friend was chatting away about stuff so I just played it cool.

Well they kept going nuts about it and finally I was like "I think they're looking at Frank." So she peeked around the corner and said "There's some guys there but none that look interesting. But I don't know. You'd have to tell me." She's not an MCR fan. She didn't know what Frank looked like. So I peeked around the corner and boom.

Frank's butt.

He was bending over to get some shirts out of a box. And once I realized it was him and how close I was to him I snapped back to my spot and was like "Yep, that's Frank," real casual. Inside I was back to this, as seen in earlier blogs.


But I played it cool. Then the line moved again and I passed the window and he was sitting at a table and I was like "Whoa." But I figured it was more than likely he would leave by the time I actually got to the front doors we were being led to. Or he was going to be bombarded with too many people to be able to say hi.

But then we got to the front, gave them our tickets, and low and behold, Frank was still sitting at the table. I was like "Oh my Glob." The girls in front of us freaked out and went to the table to talk to him and I just very casually strolled along to say hello. My friend was like "Why are we waiting in line?" and I just looked at her and said "I think you know why."

Then it was my turn. And he looked at me and was like "Hey, what can I do for you?" So I very calmly asked him to sign my ticket. And then I remembered to have him sign something else for Hiddleston like I promised. So he signed a sticker for her. Then I bought a CD and handed him my money *Creepy voice* and our fingers touched.

And then my friend was like "She's having a mini-heart attack, you know?" and he kind of laughed and I said "Just a little." Then he smiled at me and said "It's alright if it's just a little heart attack."

Guys, let me tell you something about Frank Iero. Pictures do not do him justice. This man is the most adorable human being I have ever seen up close. I don't mean he's cute in an attractive sort of way, even though he totally is. I mean this man can make unicorns fart rainbows and sunshine on rainy days. HE'S FUCKING ADORABLE. In a cute squishy puppy kind of way, as well as totally hot.

He's also taller than me. So fuck all of those people who told me he was like 4 foot something and had to be shorter than me. I'm 5'2". Frank Iero is taller than me. Fuck off.

Anyway, back on track. He's cute. He's super sweet and kind of shy. I left quickly because while I was being very calm about the situation, I felt like this inside.


So we headed down to find our seats and I was shaking really badly. And I told my friend that I was still shaking and she said "I noticed. I just didn't want to say anything." So I thanked her for being cool about it. We sat down because unfortunately they wouldn't let us into the orchestra pit area for some weird reason because the girls who were in front of us were in there and it was general admission. Whatevs. I could care less about where we sat because I just met Frank Iero and was trying to play it cool but obviously NOT BEING ABLE TO DO THAT WHAT WITH THE GODDAMN SHAKING.

Frank and his band were obviously the first band to come on. They were wicked good and so fucking loud. They opened with the song from Frankenweenie. Which slips my mind at the moment because I'm still blalshga... Anyway, they played a great set but I realized a little too late that my phone could take somewhat decent pictures. So I got less pictures of them even though I pretty much only went for them.

Here's a few semi-okay ones. My phone sucks. I'll post better pictures when my friend and brother send me their shots.


I have more but I didn't want to bombard everyone with crappy quality pictures.

Moving on. The Used were next. I saw them once (with MCR) back in... 2004, I believe? So it's been a while since I've seen them and HOLY SHIT I FORGOT HOW AMAZING THIS BAND IS LIVE! Like I wanted to punch someone they got me so pumped up. They are so good. I'm still in awe. I just forgot how much I loved these people. Here's some pics of The Used.


They were rad and Burt had a lot to say about some things that are pretty important and he earned my respect like double overtime for those comments. He's a really really good frontman, just fyi.

Taking Back Sunday is the only band(ish) I hadn't seen before. I mean, I haven't seen Frank with this band before obviously, but I've seen HIM live before. So I was kind of excited to see TBS. However, I think The Used blew the speakers before they came on and also maybe my eardrums. The venue was a high school... thing. It was pretty small and so fucking loud that a lot of the times you couldn't hear what anyone was saying because the speakers were so high. So TBS sounded a little off in that regard. They sounded a bit muffled and Adam's microphone cut out a few times. (Also, he's like way beefier than I thought? I always thought he was kind of thin and lanky. Wrong. Super beefcake arms. Scraggly face. Sweet baby Jesus. Man could get down with me fo show.)

So here's some TBS pics. For some reason I got 30 pictures of them, 27 of The Used, and like 6 of Frank. SIX! Stupid phone. Also, I should mention I was a lot closer than these stupid pictures make it seem. They made me look like I was five miles from the stage. I was close enough to see the whites of their eyes and their super beefcake arms.


Unfortunately we ended up leaving before they finished their set. My brother messed up his shoulder a few weeks ago and he was in pain, and my hips were absolutely KILLING ME. That's from giving birth, btw. And I lost my friend at one point. So my brother was like "Let's get out of here." So we traveled back to the front to see if Frank was out there talking again. He wasn't. :( I bought a few shirts to pass the time. I bought one from each band. Frank didn't come back out and we were like half dead and couldn't find my friend. So we went to wait for her by the car. She came storming out and got right in and drove off without a word.

Turns out she was hanging out with this guy she used to know in high school and still kind of had a thing for. They got up to the front of the stage during TBS's set. And then he said something to her, she wouldn't tell me what, but it was so atrocious that she turned around and punched him right in the eye.

I am so proud of her.

So she was obviously upset, my brother was in pain, I was in pain, we decided not to stick around to see Frank again. It was cool. I met him. I'm happy.

But now I'm lying in my bed and my feet feel like I've stabbed them. My hips ache but no longer hurt. And dear sweet baby jesus my ear hurts so fucking bad I keep checking for blood. When I was a kid I punctured my eardrum and there was still scar tissue on it. This sometimes causes my ear to thump when sounds are too loud or are off (hearing from one side and not the other). BUT IT HAS NEVER HURT THIS BADLY AFTER A CONCERT BEFORE. If that gives you a clue about how loud it was. I also have a headache but that's because I had no caffeine today.

Oh, and here's a picture of my loot.


Taking Back Sunday shirt, The Used shirt, Frnkiero andthe Cellabration CD, signed sticker for Hiddleston, and signed ticket.

Also, I got this shirt but I put it on when I got home because of reasons.


So that's all for today. I'm super happy and excited and fluttery (and also hungry). But I'm going to bed because I'm also tired. I just wanted to write this all down while I had the chance. And I think I promised that I would. Sorry for the long blog.


No regrets!
September 24th, 2014 at 09:17am