Second Chapter // Vacation-ish // Library/Reading

My second chapter is coming slowly. I am once again in the position of knowing how I want it to go, but the words to write it out won't come. I am aggravated. I didn't want my story to go this slow.

I suppose I should be happy that I am still inspired. I know what I want to happen in the next several chapters, so even if they are slow coming, they ARE coming.


Elizabeth is at my mom's and my break has been great. She has been there since Sunday and won't be back until NEXT Sunday, so she'll have been gone two full weeks. If you'd asked me a year ago if I would ever be comfortable with her going two weeks without me, I would've laughed in your face, lol. But now as she's gotten older, I am happy about it. My mom's is basically the only place I would trust her at, I know she's safe, and she ADORES her Nana, so I also know she's happy.

Plus, I really needed this. I'm a stay at home mom and my life revolves around her. I love it and her to pieces, but that doesn't mean I'm superwoman, lol. Casey also works, of course, so I do most of the stuff on my own and that's how it's been since she's born. He's a great dad, but by default most of the work load is on me. So far, I am more relaxed than I have been in MONTHS. It's wonderful.

Casey and I also needed this for us. A lot of our arguments come from simply being stressed and taking it out on each other. Even though we both recognize that and neither of us like it, it doesn't help us in the moment when we're not really thinking rationally. Her being with my mom has allowed us to just spend some fun free time together, which we really need since we don't get to go on dates.


Today we went to the library since Casey is off work and I didn't have much school work due today. Going to the library is hard with Elizabeth because it's hot and we have to walk, which takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. The times we have gone, we take turns where one of us stays with her in the kid's section and the other browses freely. This time though, since she's gone, we were able to just relax with each other and read. It was lovely. I also finally got a new library card so now we're able to check out books. Elizabeth will love that when she gets back and I'm going to use it to start teaching her responsibility.

Taking care of Elizabeth all the time also makes it hard for me to read. I'm the type of reader that gets completely zoned out in what I'm reading and blanks most everything out. I can't really do that when I'm taking care of a three year old. Because of that, my reading time is limited to her naps and after she goes to bed and because it's so limited, it makes it hard to motivate myself to read as much as I used to. So, for a long time, I just haven't really read, except for different times when I got a new series. Since we got a new library card, I'm going to start again, because I sorely miss it. Even if it's only a little every day, I'm going to do it.
September 26th, 2014 at 03:50am