Candy Bowl + Updates

Ha! You thought I was offering treats, didn't you? Actually, this is more about why I'm not participating in the candybowl on Mibba.

It's just because the only times people actively come to me on this site are the occasional friend reconnecting... or someone wanting something from me. I'm not a human candy machine. I'm not here for you to pop in out of nowhere and feed praise into in exchange for a story comment. While I do participate in the site and try and keep activity going, I'm basically ignored until I offer something.

Which makes sense. We're people, people don't like to do things they don't want to. But just as I said last time there was a treatblog going around, I'm not going to dole out rewards to people that only talk to me when I offer rewards.
I'm trying to find a place to host some HTML files as a second way of storing my writing. The one I've just made is for 3679200 (called "the sickspace"), but I can't find anywhere to simply unload HTML files. Looks like I'll be hosting it on Mediafire for download until I can find a good place to put it. :[

A note: don't ever submit art to a popular Tumblr user unless you're okay with your dashboard exploding with notes. I think the post has almost 200 and it's not been two days yet.
September 30th, 2014 at 04:35am