I'm Not Going Back

Mom text me twice yesterday one said 'I love you and hope you have a great day.' second one said 'How was class?' She does not text those sort of things to me, unless she trying to suck up. She did a lot of that when I was in high school.

I'm not going to live with her, I can't do it, nothing will change. I'm still not sure what to do about my dog Polly or my cat Bebe, they might have to stay there till I get a place. But I will no longer live with my mom, I just can't do it. I'm 21 and cant deal with her crap or the way she lives.

Sidenote, this has nothing to do with her. A guy I grew up with, I seen with only a towel on. He's not carved out of stone with big arms or hard cheat, but he does look good with no shirt on.
September 30th, 2014 at 05:22pm