My Family Romance, School Scare, and You Decide.

So with this I'm going to have a mini rant, then I'm going to turn to a serious issue of what happened to me today, and I'm going to end this on a light note hopefully. I'm just working out a few issues right now and I just changed my medicine and I'm really still getting used to it. I've had a rough few weeks and before long I'll be back to normal. I promise you that.

First Issue: My Family Romance
Now, I promise that this isn't as bad as the title of it makes it seem. This has to do with mine and Jeremy's relationship and my family's opinion on it. As I stated a few weeks ago, I got my promise ring. Though it's a simple silver ring with his name engraved on it, it's caused a bit of an uproar between parts of my family. My aunt on my father's side and (the only person I have contact with on my mother's side) my great aunt. I'll start by explaining the relationships of my family members.

My aunt Sherry, started dating my uncle when she was 16. They got married when she turned 18 and just recently celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. They have two kids together and four grandchildren, three boys, one girl. She approached me before I got my ring and told me that there was a high chance that Jeremy and I weren't going to stay together. She said that I shouldn't be planning my future around him and that I could probably do better than him. I know that Jeremy is seventeen and can't drive. I know that he enjoys video games and relies on his mom for a lot of things. He's not as bad as most see him though. He's a great person and I don't know why people just take him for being weird because he has his moments. I mean, everyone does. He shouldn't be the blame for it though.

My great-aunt Dora-Dean has been married twice. Her first husband, she had one son. She had a boyfriend when I was younger who cheated on her with my grandmother, her sister, Betty. She's been with the same guy for a little over seven years, but she doesn't plan to remarry. He has one son who recently graduated high school. They live together with my great grandmother. My great-aunt has three grandchildren from her only son, two boys, one girl. I visit her every few months, the most recent visit being Saturday. When she saw my ring she looked at me and said, "You don't plan on marrying him, do you?" I was appalled by her saying that to me. She had met Jeremy on my last visit up there, the week before school started. She seemed perfectly fine with him and now that I was alone with her wandering around the kitchen fixing a pot of coffee and my granny in her wheelchair eating rice pudding, she said that to me. I asked her what she meant by it and she said, "Well, Kayla. You know I love you, but I really think you could do better than him. It doesn't seem like he loves you as much as you love him. Trust me. I've been through two marriages and I know what I'm talking about." Her words brought tears to my eyes. Jeremy and I had a nice afternoon. Though we got agitated with each other at one point while playing Monopoly, we quickly made up and fell asleep on the couch all curled up together. I looked at her dead straight and I said, "He's going to be around for a long time. He's not going anywhere and I'm not going anywhere. I love him."

Jeremy and I have been through everything together and I don't understand why most people can't see that. He got me to quit hurting myself. I was there for him when his stepfather was diagnosed with lung cancer. I came to Christmas at his house last year. We're visiting each other for Christmas this year. After a huge fight that me and him got into, I don't want to lose him. He told me once that without me, he was nothing, but someone with no life. He told me that he cried when his last girlfriend broke up with him after a week. He was crying when he told me that he didn't want to lose me and end up like his best friend who now looks for girls at a trashy skating rink. I want to stay with him and I just wish some people would accept that.

Second Issue: School Scare
When you get into high school, your three biggest fears are getting lost, not knowing where your friends are, and getting bullied. For a student at my school, it was the third thing that got to him and his friends. Today, I did not go to school in fear of getting hurt. The boy that I am talking about, made a post on Facebook sometime last night saying that him and his friends were going to bring guns to school. The police took him into investigation last night, but he wouldn't give up his friends. My school was empty today because everyone was afraid to go.

I watched some of it from the news. The place was crawling with cops, a news van on campus, and students with hoods on their heads looking scared. The threat spread to the middle school and my friends sister, and my two siblings were checked out as everyone began to leave. The schools were searched and they found nothing, but still everyone was in fear of what was going to happen.

This is the first time I've ever had to deal with this and I was terrified. I didn't know what to do and I crawled back into bed and told my stepmother that me and my cousin weren't going. My friend who I ride with to school and lives across the street from where I used to get on the bus, was keeping me updated as she heard news and I was doing the same with her. I called Jeremy and told him to get home (which he did)

I dealt with bullying in middle school and my freshman year of high school. I didn't turn to violence because of how I was. Since I was the shy kid, I just took it. Behind the scenes, I was causing the harm to myself than other people. I never would think in a million years to hurt someone else just to get it to stop, but sadly, people do it all the time. Bullying is a serious issue that really needs more focus on. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that it isn't there. Schools say that they are a bullying free zone, but some students could say other things that make you think that everything can be fine. Pay close attention, look around. You'll notice the details if you know what exactly to look for.

Third Issue:
Since I wrapped up Two Lives almost a week ago, I've been stuck in writer's hell. I have no idea what to write and every time I try to get something out, it dries up like an old piece of fruit. That's why I'm looking to you lovelies. I know that I've came to you all before for one-shot ideas, but right now, I want to do something big. I love writing ideas about huge issues in the world. I want to show people about what's really going on behind closed doors.

I'd like you to give me an issue or an example of an issue that you see a lot in the world. I'll see what I can come up with and I'll write maybe something small and post it (a one-shot for example). Which ever story gets the most votes will be the next big thing that I write. Send your idea via comment or message. I'll start with the one-shots when I get the chance.

Enjoy, loves.
-Kayla VI
October 1st, 2014 at 02:38am