I'll End Up Carving It Into My Flesh.

That's a really gross journal entry title.
But, read on, and you'll get it.

Are you ever, just sitting in class, and then BAM!, just like that, you get an idea for a really, really, really good story?
Which isn't too big of a deal. You're in class, you've got pen and paper right there.

Well, most of us have pen and paper right there.

And then you have the times where it's impossible for you to write it down like, you're driving. Or...

At a restaurant.
Or concert.
Or being arrested.
Or robbing the bank that will later CAUSE you to get arrested.
Or having x-rays done.
Or walking your dog.

Or whatever other daily exercise we all do that is near to impossible to have a pen handy. I mean, it's not like you can just turn to the arresting officer and ask them to jot it down for you. Well, you could, chances are they wouldn't.

I mean, I would.
But chances are I'll never be your arresting officer.
That would be awkward, and I usually avoid awkward situations.

So, what does a poor writer do?
I could list all the places that I've written ideas down, but it would take too much time, and you all would give me weird cyber-looks.
But sometimes the line is just too good. The idea is just too perfect. You have to pull out that sharpie and write it on the bottom of your shoe, and then hope to whichever God is listening it doesn't wear off.

Sometimes, I'm afraid I'll get this stellar plot line and all that will be available is my arm and an unnaturally sharp object.

When that time comes, I'll seriously have to ask myself, how dedicated am I?
September 19th, 2007 at 09:45am