Coping With Depression

It's never easy. It really isnt. And when you think about it, the harder it gets the longer you hold it in. Because depression is a deadly disease.. it causes stress, emotional pain and even suicide. Me being effected with this makes me wish that I didn't have a mind. When you deal with depression, it not only makes you lose happiness, but also life..

Never mistake depression for your own problems. Depression comes from so many things and we all handle it differently. Im simply writing this blog because right now my depression is worse than it ever was. We all have ways of dealing with it too.

Right now it kicks in when I think about my Uncle. I have depression firstly because 3 years ago my Uncle, whom was a second dad to me, died of Phneumonia. And it broke me. I was 15 at the time and it didnt really hit me as hard as its hitting me now. Im 18. He was such a kind man and always guided me in the right path. Always supported me. Never threw me under the bus and we did everything together and told each other everything. We walked the streets at 1 in the morning just to go to McDonalds cos he was the most coolest man in my Life. And just like that.. he was gone. & I never got any closure.

When people think depression is crazy their wrong. It hurts more than physical pain ever will. It hurts your spirit. But no matter what anyone says.. You are so strong. If you, like me, are living with this you are not alone and you are strong. It is hard at first and it never gets easy. But it gets EASIER. ♥
October 6th, 2014 at 06:02am