️Doctor Who: Season 8

Hello! So . . . I'm a little pissed that everyone keeps complaining about the new season of Doctor Who, especially the most recent episode "Kill the Moon." But before I go on a rant, I would like to give the history of my Doctor Who fangirling.

About a year ago, I was introduced to the new series of Doctor Who by a friend. It was midnight, and we were extremely bored. There was nothing on TV, so Netflix was our only option left. As she was already deep into Season Three and I had never watched it before, she decided to watch "Blink." Nevertheless, I was terrified by the end but intrigued by the show. The next morning we turned on Netflix again and began watching Season One with Eccleston. I was hooked.

Since then, I have watched every episode on Netflix — Seasons One through Seven — as well as every minisode there was. I have several of the books from the 50th Anniversary series, and recently I began scouring the Internet for the episodes from Classic Who. I cannot say that I'm a true fan, being that I just recently jumped on the Who bandwagon. However, I will always love the show, no matter what decisions the producers and writers make.

As such, this brings me to the rant. This morning I was reading viewer reviews on IMDB for "Kill the Moon" and discovered that every nine out of ten people had hated the episode. This surprised me, as I enjoyed the episode greatly. And the complaints about the episode angered me.

People do not seem to respect the decisions made by the producers. Moffat, Gatiss, and the others have been writing for Doctor Who for a while now, and I respect their decisions even if I don't agree with them all the time. Some of the reviews ragged on the producers directly.

While I do believe that we are all entitled to our own opinions, I do not see it appropriate to flat out disrespect the decisions made by those who produce the show. When we're on hiatus, everyone can't wait for the season to begin, but then if they don't agree with the episodes, they complain about what's going on. If you don't like the new season, don't watch it. I've heard enough complaints on Pinterest, which irritates me. Not everyone wants to hear how much you hated the episode — especially those of us who love this season with Capaldi.

Okay, now I've got it all out, so if anyone wants to respond just comment. Also, if you guys feel the need to discuss any episodes with me, I'd love to hear what you have to say and would definitely respond to your comments.
October 10th, 2014 at 07:31pm