Comfort Shopping

I love weekends and especially Saturdays. That’s because I go shopping all day long on Saturdays. Most people think it is a crazy thing to go shopping every weekend, but it has become a kind of a tradition at home. It does not mean that if I go wander through stores that I’ll certainly buy something. I love looking around to see the new fashion trends on mannequins in the windows or just go into a store and fit all the clothes to decide that everything is ugly.
It is a great hobby actually and, most of the time, not that unhealthy for my wallet.
But the moment when I buy the most, is actually when I feel a little down. When I need something like jeans, because my jeans don’t survive longer than 4 months, then I obviously go buy a pair. But when the weather is bad or my mom woke me up a little too early in the morning, I notice that buying something makes me happier.
And I am not alone. According to a study that was published in the Journal of Psychology and Marketing retail shopping is a real thing and it is not only something for women only. Basically the study says that a little treat while shopping has a huge influence on your mood. You don’t have to buy a new blouse, a little screwdriver can make you equally happy.
In my opinion it is better than eating chocolate all the time and I have a closet full of great outfits (well, according to my opinion anyway).
October 11th, 2014 at 07:16pm