I'm Not Sure as to Whether I Can Write This or Not... | Your Thoughts on Speaking to the Dead?

I tend to shy away from writing anything that's outside of my own comfort zone. This is true of how I live, as well, because having anxiety sucks balls.

But I'm tired of writing about shy, anxious women that don't find themselves all that special and then lo and behold - they end up with Mr. Rockstar and live happily ever after (or would if I ever finished the stories I started, sigh). But that says more about my heart than anything else, I guess.

I want to write a Bucky Barnes story so bad. Like, a proper, chaptered, thought-out story that isn't just a PG-rated goo-fest about Mary Sue falling in love with a wreck of a man. This was already floating around in my head a few weeks ago but the idea was forced to the front of my mind after I read this amazing fic right here by Indigo Umbrella that you should seriously check out all in one night/morning. Skipped university that day and dreamt instead, because I'm clearly a really good, dedicated student.

My only issue with this is that the only way I can think of wanting to write this story is to take SHIELD out of it almost entirely, because I find the whole thing confusing and such a complex thing to think about writing about... and I'd just rather not. But then, my only other idea involves writing about a woman with a prosthetic arm.

This makes me super uncomfortable. I don't have any prosthetic limbs, and so wouldn't really know where to begin. I've written about things I haven't experienced before, like drugs and severe depression and the usual things you find in a typical MCR story, but I feel like because those sorts of ideas are so overused that if there's one more bad fic about it out there, it's simply lost in the sea of ignorance.

I don't want to offend anyone with a disability.

I just don't know. Has anyone here got any stories where they've written about something very specific that they've never actually experienced that hasn't offended anyone? Like a disability, or an abnormality, or maybe even a different race or religion or way of living? I'd love to know how you did it, and if you just went for it and it worked out or if you really really thought about every little thing first.
This story of mine would also have a bit of a supernatural plot going on at the same time, if I could work it all together. But the thing with that is, I really do believe very strongly in the supernatural. I believe there's something in my home that wanders between worlds and I'm almost positive it isn't very nice. I get scared writing about the paranormal because I feel like whatever this thing is could take it as me wanting to communicate with it, which I'm not sure I want to do. I've crossed it's path enough times during the night to know better than that.

Is this a valid worry of mine, do you think? I keep thinking back to something I read or saw about how using an Ouija board is a bad idea because it'll put forward the idea that you want to communicate with the dead, and it lets them into our world in a way. Thoughts?
October 12th, 2014 at 04:05pm