Need Advice...

Ok so, my boyfriend and I of almost 2 years recently (almost a month ago) split up. Well recently, we started talking to each other. Let's just say he wasn't the best person when he was drunk, he laid his hands on me, and I couldn't take it more than a month with him anymore. Stupid on my part. Well, I've been talking to a new guy and when my ex and I started talking again he kept mentioning a lot of things that broke the 'ice princess' down enough to make me question a few things. I miss him too much for my own good, but they say that if you love it let it go and yada yada. I love him too much. I pictured a future with him and things, went horribly wrong. Well he asked me if we were officially done because he had been talking to another girl. I know, I shouldn't be jealous, especially since I've been talking to another guy who treats me like I'm the only woman in existence. But, I can't help but get so jealous about it, that it makes me sick to think of him being happy with another woman. Am I wrong? Am I right? Is this normal? Am I overreacting? My head is so fucked up right now, over this, that people are starting to point out that I'm not acting like myself. And I'm damn great at faking things or hiding so that no one would know....I need some advice quickly before I lose what's left of my sanity......HELPPPPP !!!!!!
October 14th, 2014 at 12:11pm