Pained Dreams

What is it when your dreaming, away from reality, but feel pain.

In the dream, he was there with me, though I feel no comfort. He's helping me getting away from something, but I don't know this guy. I hold my cheek for it feels like pliers ripping out my tooth. From the mirror I see, my tooth loosening up, I firmly grab it and pull it out. Upon inspection, its like a jawbreaker, the layers I see, for a quarter of it I rubbed off with my thumb. The layers were white, yellow, pink and hollow. Chills ran down my spine as I screamed for the pain overwhelmed my mouth. The searing pain, in my mind I thought, this is just a dream, you can change it to something good, but I have no idea how to. Either that or I didn't have the will, I knew it was a dream but in the back of my mind something just told me to stay with the pain and the confusion this dream offered. I had to stay, if I left, he'd be alone, again...

I awoke and reached for my phone it displayed 7:22 a.m
October 15th, 2014 at 10:00am