A Token of My Gratitude

To my lovely lovely readers...

(All six of you.)

See, I'm not very competent when it comes to impersonal thank you's. My gratitude is best expressed individually, where I can customise my message and let each person know just how much I appreciate whatever it is they've done for me.

A southern upbringing and life time of Christmas and birthday thank you notes have instilled in me a need to make apparent my appreciation.

Like, this?
("Dear Nana, thank you so much for the hand-knit sweater, but I hope you didn't strain yourself; arthritis sucks! :( The penguin is absolutely adorable though (don't tell the guys I said that, please and thank you!). Check the envelope before you toss it, I sent along a picture of Cassie to add to the ever growing collection of pet pics on your fridge. Love always, Joel")

Easy. As. Pie.

But thanking those six anonymous Mibbians who stumbled across my little brainchild, They Live? It's like pulling teeth!

So here goes. Thank you for reading! I know They Live isn't much to look at yet, but eventually it'll be an epic rivalling the Iliad in fame! (Haha, let me have my delusions, okay?) Keep an eye on it, if you would. If not, well, it's not your cup of tea, I get it; no harm, no foul. Either way, stay or go, just know I appreciate you clicking the title and giving it even a cursory glance, and hope you'll stick around for the plot to thicken. :)

See y'all!

October 16th, 2014 at 04:47am