Update on Life...

So...wow...I just got hit with a ton of bricks...

Alright so if anyone has read my last blog then you probably know that I have been going though some really crappy stuff. Well, it got worse today, just when I thought I had enough.

I'm going to be honest and tell the truth but my dad busted my mom doing stuff she shouldn't be doing again! I know that her and my dad were going to get a diviroce (I know this is probably spelt wrong) soon, so I knew things weren't good but my mom just added to it. My dad caught her talk to another person...

So my dad kicked her out of the house today, which was the best thing. My dad talked to me about everything and it was just upsetting, I honesty can't take all this anymore.

Later in the day my mom kept calling and I wouldn't answer, finally I did and we talked for a good 20 minutes. It wasn't a very good talk though. She said she wants to she me tomorrow but I told her no, that I don't want to see her right now. Which really broke her heart and mine but I just don't want to see her. She said she has to come Saturday to get some more things so, I'll see her that day.

I finally asked my dad to get me in to talk to someone because I just can't keep this all in and it's just to much for me to handle. Only problem is, I'm scared to talk to someone because I don't like talking about this whole situation (as in what happened earlier not what happened today)

I made this post because I just feel as if I need advice, like I feel bad I went off on my mom. Also because if I'm gone for a little or something like that,then you'll probably know why.
October 17th, 2014 at 05:31am