NaNo + Twitter.

This year I'll be participating in NaNo. I'm excited. November will be pretty chill for me as far as activities besides my regular work schedule and starting to Christmas shop. I've slready got my story in mind.

I need to do an outline that will help me stay on track. I am certain I can reach the 50k mark. Normally my chapters in my stories range from 1,500-2,200ish anyway. If I updated every day or sometimes twice, I'd hit my goal by the end of November.

I still have a few more details to iron out about my characters but my title is chosen and the story page is already made. If anyone would like to talk about their ideas for NaNo or just shoot the shit, feel free to comment me.

As for Twitter, I just joined yesterday and am obsessed now lol. I've followed all the members of Motionless In White as well as my fave actors/actresses. If you'd like to be friends on there, give me your name and I'll follow ya. :)
October 18th, 2014 at 08:31pm