That Moment When You Realize You Never Want to Have Children

I can't remember the exact date but it was this year before or during June. My niece and nephew were being dropped off in the mornings and being picked up in the afternoons. And one afternoon I went to the kitchen to get something and I heard my nephew come in and commented about what I was watching on TV.

He said he liked that show and wanted to watch it and I said to him he can watch it in the living room and he said he wanted to watch it with me.

Don't get me wrong, it was sweet and adorable and all. But that was the very moment where I realized I did not want to have kids at all. I don't want to spend time with them and not have any time to myself. I don't want this little human depending on me and having to care for them.

I want my time and schedule to be mine and mine alone, unless I have a pet. That's the only thing I would change my schedule for....depending on the breed of course.

and really kids are cute and all. But it took me a while to come to terms that when you get right down to it I just really don't like kids. I don't want to spend eighteen to twenty years of life raising anyone.

Call me selfish but I don't care. I think it more selfish to have a kid and dump them on someone all the time.

But yeah me, I like my solitude and quietness. I don't want to deal with a raising baby, screaming toddler, bratty teen and possible lazy adult I can't get out of my house. Forget that!
October 20th, 2014 at 04:10am