You Might Be Competing in NaNo If...

It's time for some more classic comedy. NaNo themed. Let's do this.

You might be competing in NaNo if you canceled your Netflix subscription for the month of November to get rid of one more distraction.

You might be competing in NaNo if you bought out all of the coffee in your local grocery store to prepare for late night writing sessions.

You might be competing in NaNo if you dread getting new story ideas in October because you know there's no time to work with them before November arrives and every story but your NaNo novel disappears.

You might be competing in NaNo if you tried to figure out how many pages 50,000 words equates to on Microsoft Word. In double and single space.

You might be competing in NaNo if you questioned your sanity in the weeks leading up to and during November.

You might be competing in NaNo if you have spent the month of October scoured the internet for writing tips because you know you can't actually start writing until November 1.

You might be competing in NaNo if you plan on staying up all night on Halloween, not to party but to start writing at midnight.

You might be competing in NaNo if you are feeling excited, nervous, panicked, anxious, thrilled, creative and proud all at once. You're in a glass case of emotions.
October 21st, 2014 at 04:41am