Cisphobia, Heterophobia

To compare these things to transphobia and homophobia is wrong. It is a rampant display of how privilege works and how people are choosing to discredit actual oppression and violence. Cishet people get the majority of representation. Cishet people have more rights. They can marry all over our country. They have worked to deny our basic rights as humans for years. Heteronormativiy is an institution that has almost everything and chokes out the possibility of things it can't have. It's why Constantine's bisexuality was erased. It's why queerbaiting is allowed. It's why our asking for what everyone else has is treated as whining and complaining. So don't talk to me about how some trans person or gay person was mean to you. I do not want to hear it ever. Watch your sexuality get erased for NO REASON and then talk to me.
October 21st, 2014 at 10:48pm