
So, funny story. I was on a forum and someone called me Miss. For me, a cis dudebro with occasional moments of "I dunno what gender I am, I feel like a shadow," this was humorous for me and I bear the user no ill will at all. Seriously, it's funny! Most users on Mibba are female, I was just assumed to be one. Harmless mistake, no foul. Never happened before, gave me a chuckle. But it does open the door for me to say something serious: Check gender. It's right in the blue rectangle, takes no more than a second. For a cis guy like me, being called Miss is no problem, but it could be to someone who isn't cis. To someone who being misgendered is extremely painful, it could really hurt them without you realizing you did it. Double check always just in case, and maybe just avoid a gender identifying term if you're unsure. It's the little things. But I do sincerely thank the user who called me Miss because I sometimes forget that assuming gender can be harmful, and it's best to not assume if you just aren't sure.
October 22nd, 2014 at 03:00pm