On Being MIA.

Hey, you guys. Sorry about being a total shit head and disappearing for a couple of days like that.


All I did was watch Supernatural. Seriously. That was all that I did yesterday. I sat in front of the tv and burned through about half of season 7. And I drew a little bit and gave up on that. And then I went to eat dinner at a restaurant. Then came home and watched more Supernatural. No regrets.

And the other two days I was gone . . . also watching Supernatural. What has my life become?

But I do feel bad about just disappearing with no notice. I've missed you, my Mibba friends. I've been wondering about you guys. Honestly worried.


I hope you all are. The apocalypse didn't start while I was gone, right? The site hasn't been invaded with demons and Leviathans, right?

I love you guys to pieces, you should know that. I thought I should tell you before they come for me.

Anyhoo, today I am planning to get some studying done. Since I do have more midterms coming up. Ugh. I don't want to. But I already have my phone off and I have a small goal in mind. I gave myself yesterday off to catch up on sleep and goof off. And I don't have a ridiculous amount of studying to get done today. It's mostly all on the computer, so I'll probably just be goofing around on Mibba for most of the day. Getting caught up with people and writing some stuff if I can. I kind of already planned to be goofing off, anyways. Do you guys do that? Plan to start studying early, because you know that half the time you will be distracted?

I feel pretty good right now. Well, to be honest, I don't feel much at all because of these meds that I'm on. But I feel decent.


And, truthfully, Supernatural wasn't the complete reason I was gone. I haven't been feeling very good lately. I didn't really have the energy to do anything but watch Supernatural. I didn't want to talk to anyone. And it's nothing personal, I hope people don't think that I was mad at them. But I wasn't responding to messages or anything. I just couldn't really be bothered in getting out of bed and being a productive human being. I'm sorry. I'm trying.
October 25th, 2014 at 08:46pm